What games are worth getting

Tripsicle98's picture

Just a quick question guys what games should i go out and buy



Tripsicle98's picture

Should i lash out and Get dirt 2?

or shoudl i get another game

dirt 2

if you can get it on sale.
Lots of games coming this year that look interesting, i’m waiting for Brink, Red Orchestra 2, Homefront and crysis 2, not sure if any of these are going to be any good though.

Fuzz's picture


+1 on Dirt 2. It’s on sale on steam fairly regularly, and I think its RRP is lower now than it used to be anyway.

Other than that… think we’re all in the same boat… waiting for some nice new games.

Unless we all wanna find an ice hockey game and play 5 on 5…. That takes me back :)

Fuzz's picture


I'm thinking

I reckon homefront brink and bulletstorm are gonna be good games and worth waiting for.


Tripsicle98's picture

I do like the look of the homefront

I think I might buy that Home front looks pretty mean

Tripsicle98's picture

But its just really expensive

You can get it off steam for 80 preorder anywhere cheaper?

you can by it from

eBay and then its 50 bucks Australian


mind trying a beta or a demo before i fork out the money

$52 aus from

n0mad's picture


AND It’s freeeeeee…..


Sha8doW's picture

anyone seen any betas


I wouldnt mind getting a beta.
Thats how we found QW originally!


for betas, QWET and BFBC2 I bought because of the betas and demo. If wolfeinstein, cod 4 had a demo, i could have saved some money. Too many unfinished, shit, unfun games out there. Even feel like i got sucked in a bit with BFBC2 with all its bugs. I guess its to much to ask for a completed game.

I wonder if there will be a QWET2?

after just watching the latest brink trailers, i have more hope for that game, looks really good.

Sha8doW's picture


Really? This free running thing worries me!
They really need to make the effort on getting the hit boxes right! Also they need to ensure it’s not abused like the “jump prone shoot” dealie of previous epic failures!

(also, wolf had a beta… You got sucked in by the fanbois who were playing etqw and who thought it was going to kill everything on the market! It’s so sad what a rushed, unfinished and unsupported game can do to a medium/small developers cred (on pc). EA on a console is a different story! But that’s a whole new thread!

Looks like that bullet storm is due for release next month? Anyone seen any gameplay?

Tripsicle98's picture

Just watched bulletstorm e3 demo

It looks pretty mean but it kind of has a half life feel to it


I did

get sucked in on Wolfenstien, the beta was a closed beta, so didn’t get to play it untill i bought it. Funny thats the only single player i’ve played thru to the end since the last doom, quite enjoyed it, shame the multiplayer was so bad. Brinks could be a complete fail with the smart move system with everybody sliding all over the floor, but aleast it looks like you won’t get stuck on a fence pail and have to suicide to get off it.

brink, diablo 3, deus ex 3

some good ones, brink I am hoping will sustain my fps needs. I hope it keeps the quake games strafe movement, not sure how the parkour/prone slide stuff works out but hopefully it’s limited in multiplayer. at least rego and spread can’t be anyworse than bc2 which got it horribly wrong, still you do what you can…….
oh wait hang on i’ve reading 2011 lists, sorry none of these games r out but keep an eye out for how they go

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