Minecraft Wars
Hi Yall
Not many of you know that this is going on
Over the last 3-4 days the team ipx minecraft server has become a war zone
There Are two teams that are fighting this bloody battle
Team 1
Dethbydan(Aka Microman 171 )
Team 2
CheesyDawg95 (Ex neutral)
This has gone to the next level now as people are becoming traitors and so forth
Just thought id let yall know
Peace Out
Trust n00ne...
Except Micr0! S0rry L0gan, I just d0nt kn0w y0u well en0ugh t0 trust y0u c0mpletely. Micr0 trusts ya, s0 I will give y0u an0ther chance. After what Mang0/Cheesey has d0ne, I tend n0t t0 be very trusting 0f anyb0dy in a p0siti0n t0 stab me in the back.
Heres the pr0blem, I have en0ugh issues already with paran0ia, I d0nt need pe0ple intenti0nally trying t0 play 0ff 0f that. Its hurtful f0r myself, and will be m0re hurtful f0r th0se dishing it 0ut if it c0ntinues. Think y0u can get away with bullying s0meb0dy 0n the net f0rever? THINK AGAIN.
Things in the server are teetering 0n an expl0sive situati0n. Y0u guys in the “ I want t0 be a jerk and ruin 0ther pe0ples fun, eff0rt, and hard w0rk” camp, have had y0ur fun. N0w it is time f0r us t0 either start playing t0gether again, 0r we g0 0ur seperate ways in the server, y0u leave us al0ne, we will leave y0u al0ne.
This c0ntinued “friendly rivalry” I str0ngly suspect, has just been a c0ver f0r previ0us disagreements that have taken part between participating minecraft individuals. Ive seen this time and time and time again in my life. S0meb0dy is bullied, and the bullies say “ im just j0king.” This starts in ab0ut late primary sch00l. It is s0mething that is learned, it is n0t natural s0cial behavi0r at all. It is simply a piss p00r excuse f0r the abuse and grief that they are intenti0nally giving t0 0ther players. Fr0m what ive been t0ld, fr0m what ive heard, this is what appears t0 be g0ing 0n. Things have n0t cr0ssed the line, yet, but they easily c0uld.
S0 I think we are left with a few ch0ices f0r us all t0 take.. Make up and be a fucking TEAM again, 0r g0 0ur separate ways. Whats the p0int at all 0f being in a team, and n0t c0-0perating with y0ur team mates? g0 j0in a clan 0r
I make all0wances f0r 0ther pe0ples sl0ppy behavi0r. Ill t0lerate it, t0 an extent. Am I g0ing t0 let slide by every single trespass, HELL N0. Ive been m0re then lenient and accepting 0f 0ther pe0ples bad behavi0r, and there are times where y0u have t0 put y0ur f00t d0wn and say n0 m0re.
s0. C0mes the release 0f Industrialcraft and Buildcraft f0r Minecraft 1.0.0, we can decide if we are g0ing t0 w0rk t0gether, 0r split 0ff in the same server int0 facti0ns, 0r g0 0ur 0wn ways 0n 0ur 0wn servers. Its time t0 make these decisi0ns, in a mature fashi0n, 0therwise the situati0n is just g0ing t0 inflame and pe0ple are g0ing t0 be al0t m0re hurt and disass0ciated because 0f it.
keep it..
Keep its clean, d0nt be mean… That’s all really! Its n0t that hard. 0k it is imp0ssible f0r m0st 0f us t0 be g00d 100% 0f the time, but it’s that eff0rt that is imp0rtant.
Don’t fuck with other people shit!
Respect othet peoples space and structures as you want yours to be respected! Otherwise everyones shit will go down! Warnings Kickings and so on!
There is nothing wrong with rivalry etc (my castle is bigger then yours) but keep it mature! No destroying others stuff or penises on IPX statues!
Sort it out, or I/the BoD will!
The Agreement:
We have c0me t0 an agreement.
We will play t0gether peacefully again, in part due t0 the fact that us spreading ar0und s0 far makes the server have t0 l0ad multiple am0unts 0f the w0rld at any given time. s0rry f0r killing the server again r0bag =)
The Agreement is Good
We are having a great time now !
To Clear Up Some Things
Sorry Hash but I’m pretty sure there was bit a misunderstanding, I had absolutely no idea what was going on and I had not been on the server since after I had apparently killed you and haven’t been on since, from what I have gathered, Mango killed you saying it was our bro Jack and then told Kippa and Silent that it was me and told them his co-ordinates using my mumble name in mumble, so either Mango had no idea what he was doing and just decided to fuck with everyone and try to ruin the game for us all or he is just retarded. I had talked to Kippa and Silent afterwards and they were telling me that I shouldn’t have killed you and that I could have went undercover because someone burnt down my house and I had no idea what they were talking about and then Logan came into the channel asking about our bro Jack and saying i had to talk to Micro and then Mango told me he got exiled or something so I was like, what the fuck is going on. I had no inclusion into anything that anyone on the server was doing and I was only talking to Silent and Kippa when they were off doing their own thing and I was building my treehouse. I still don’t really fully understand what the fuck was going on because I wasn’t exactly working together with anyone on the server and I wasn’t online for half the time anyone else was. So, I’m pretty sure that with Mango out of the picture you guys won’t have to worry about any more of this confusion and can continue playing without any more problems and by the sounds of it, have been, and don’t worry Hash, if you guys didn’t trust me, then you won’t have to worry about me ruining your fun, effort or hard work since I’ve stopped playing on the server after I found my house destroyed because of all of the nonsense. Hope this has cleared some of the controversy that was going on and I’m sure you guys are getting along fine without Mango, hahaha.
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