Hey guys,

Just wondering who would like to join me in the 9th DOPIT, seeing as though it’s been about 1 and a half years since DOPIT 8 i think it’s about time to have another. Also wanted to get an idea of how many members have dirt so if you can’t come just leave a comment anyway explaining why. I am also going to need help from a B0D to get things running so fuzz, if you’re keen it would be great. if you do want to come just leave a comment below and we’ll sort out times sometime within the next week. Hope to see you there!

Thanks, Mango


immrbob's picture


what game is DOP?

It's a Dirt 2 Tournament

It’s a Dirt 2 Tournament

Fuzz's picture

Oh DOPIT how I miss thee

Mango’s right – DOPIT stands for Dirt Online Player?? IPX Tournament (anyone remember what the P stands for?).

Details here:

Each fortnight a set track / car combination will be selected. For the duration of that month IPX players can compete for the fastest time either in time trial mode, or during online races. Times are recorded against the online servers so a screenshot of the online leaderboard is all the proof you need of your time. Post your screenshot to the relevant challenge.
The winner each month will be rewarded with the hottest currency in the world… Svalbards!
1st: 25 svalbards
2nd: 20
3rd: 15
4th: 10
5th: 5
Final Say
Fuzz has the final say on disputes over who get’s who’s svalbards.

Sure, np can give you a hand getting a DOPIT started.

Sha8doW's picture


its a pity no one is here to challenge me… ;)

Not the rocks!

Great another game of dirt 2 for me to run into rocks and tyres that fuzz has expertly placed on the road…

n0mad's picture

c0unt me in

I’m there it’s a shame U can’t smash gh0sts int0 walls hehehehe…….

P stands f0r p0siti0n 0r was it #¥€£&=}


Fuzz's picture


Tonight we will post this as a challenge and get the ball rolling.

Can’t wait.


sounds good man, glad to see it happening

Fuzz's picture

Just need to create

a challenge with details inside.

Was it – novigrad backwards, force headcam, dallenbach. Pick a date, and add an attendance table.

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