Hey guys,
Just wondering who would like to join me in the 9th DOPIT, seeing as though it’s been about 1 and a half years since DOPIT 8 i think it’s about time to have another. Also wanted to get an idea of how many members have dirt so if you can’t come just leave a comment anyway explaining why. I am also going to need help from a B0D to get things running so fuzz, if you’re keen it would be great. if you do want to come just leave a comment below and we’ll sort out times sometime within the next week. Hope to see you there!
Thanks, Mango
what game is DOP?
It's a Dirt 2 Tournament
It’s a Dirt 2 Tournament
Oh DOPIT how I miss thee
Mango’s right – DOPIT stands for Dirt Online Player?? IPX Tournament (anyone remember what the P stands for?).
Details here:
Sure, np can give you a hand getting a DOPIT started.
its a pity no one is here to challenge me… ;)
Not the rocks!
Great another game of dirt 2 for me to run into rocks and tyres that fuzz has expertly placed on the road…
c0unt me in
I’m there it’s a shame U can’t smash gh0sts int0 walls hehehehe…….
P stands f0r p0siti0n 0r was it #¥€£&=}
Tonight we will post this as a challenge and get the ball rolling.
Can’t wait.
sounds good man, glad to see it happening
Just need to create
a challenge with details inside.
Was it – novigrad backwards, force headcam, dallenbach. Pick a date, and add an attendance table.
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