Steam Sales TODAY ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So i open up today (props to n0mad for this site) just to have a look and balls look what it looks like.


I think it might have something to so with the school hoildays coming up soon.

Here are some i found.

Dirt 2 (proly get this one) – $10.00 USD
Counter Strike-source (bought this one the other day) – $6.80 USD
Call of Duty pack – $29.99 USD
UnReal – $13.60 USD
Crash time 2 (dont know anything about this one) – $4.99 USD
Torchlight – $9.99 USD
Cogs – $4.99 USD


n0mad's picture

Dirt 2

ab0ut time we all spent abit 0f time in Dirt 2


Fuzz's picture

Dirt 2

It’s a damn nice game… I haven’t been able to get online yet though.

Dirt 2

Got it


bigs the down load?

Robag's picture

i am sooooooo

going to get loaded and buy stuff of steam

ow wait that happens any way lolz



what game limpet?

Kazashi's picture


If anyone gets the Unreal pack, they should know that you can get a native Linux client for UT2004 (and UT99 for that matter). Don’t actually know if it would work with the Steam version, but in theory it should. Would love to play that online with other IPXers.

Microman's picture

Dirt 2

Robag bought the racing game pack not too long ago, and dirt 2 was in it. I downloaded it last night so I’ll get if going tonight.



n0mad's picture


Ohh and reminder t0 th0se wh0 did want a Multiplayer Car Game

Currently 0nsale -66% that’s US$5.09

A few 0f us have it n0w s0 if ya have a spare AU$10.00 well w0rth it….


Fuzz's picture

BC2 on sale

Even Bad Company 2’s on sale today. $46.99 (25% off) if anyone still doesn’t have it.

(/me waits for someone to come in and start ranting about how bad BC2 is)

Also, get Dirt2. Great fun and on sale until end of the day.

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