So, Volume Two of the Future Balance Changes. We’ve recently updated with patches that have changed some balance items, and the community has responded with feedback. This list includes some direct responses to that feedback, as well as a very important issue close to several player’s hearts: Aggressive Recon.
Bolt action sniper rounds now have a chance to kill at close range if the player is hit in the upper chest.
Why are we making this change?
-Aggressive Recon was a popular (and controversial) play style in BFBC2, the fact that the playstyle is essentially not present in BF3 has been a disappointment to many players.
-The balance issues of BC2 (Magnum ammo increasing the 1 hit kill range) is not present in BF3, the range is set and cannot be improved by players. Additionally the 1 hit kill is not guaranteed in BF3, the target is small and can be blocked by the player’s arms.