Happy Australia Day Team IPX

just wanted to give a shout out to Australia on this fine day. Looks like the rain is clearing up and the flood waters a going down so it should be a good day.
I’m off to my parents for Family night (roads were flooded so we couldn’t get there last night).
So what are you guys up to?


Dirt 3 tonight?

I say we play some dirt 3 tonight, maybe some cat and mouse……..
Say about 8pm?????

Fuzz's picture

Count me in

Haven’t played Dirt forever. See you there.

Happy Australia Day all!

Dirt 3

Sounds good, hope its installed lol

n0mad's picture

May 0ffend All

Tripsicle98's picture

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LIKE !

Love it

Hashy's picture

Enjoy the rest of the day

Enjoy the rest of the day fellas.

Myself, I did bugger all. Had a few drinks of Scotch ( oh HOW AUSTRALIAN!!!). That’s about it.. Had meat and 3 veg for dinner though!!

I will now comment on the status of my CENSORED FOR OBSCENITY. And what a jolly good one it was too.

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