
n0mad's picture

Read the Full Story Here at Distrowatch

The SheevaPlug is an ARM-based computer with a 1.2 GHz processor, 512 MB of RAM and 512 MB of Flash memory, a Gigabit Ethernet port and a USB host connector, all rolled into the tiny form factor of a wall-wart power adapter.

Manufacturer – GlobalScale Technologies

The possibilities are endless but the concept has been around a long while, most routers have this built in now days.
s0 with so many uses for such a small device what would you use it for ?



ltmon's picture

There's been a few...

I’ve seen half a dozen of similar devices come out in the laste few years. Good news is they keep getting better and cheaper.

Better though (IMO) are devices like the Sun SPOT which is the same concept, but on batteries and with self-healing wireless “mesh” comms built in so that a bucket load of them can provide networking with no other infrastructure. The SPOTs also have built in sensors (like accelerometer, thermometer) and a break-out board to plug in any other kind of analogue sensor you want. See

But no matter what: no-one has hit upon the killer app that makes these devices part of the home/office/community. Very cool objects, but with no compelling use (yet).

n0mad's picture


c0nnecti0n via wireless w0uld be great even t0 integrate this on y0ur netw0rk 0ver the P0wer line w0uld be even simpler.

I find it strange n0t all devices c0me with this IE Kettles etc…..

Maybe LG c0uld pr0m0te this ?

LG Netw0rk systems


Microman's picture

microLOG - Data Logging System

That is where my system comes into things :-)

I’m in the process of linking a fan into it. You can text twitter with a direct message to microLOG, and it will enable my fan :-D.

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