IPX Challenge 01 - 200 Svalbards

n0mad's picture

t0day’s challenge if you wish to accept it is;

In the current Team IPX Monthly Newsletter 14 0ne 0f the links is not working
If you can find the link and be the first to post the answer BELOW you will be awarded with 200 Svalbards…..

So get cracking and n0te n0ne 0f the BOD are elligable, sorry guys but I know Fuzz has seen this and is editting as we speak….



ltmon's picture

Did I just cheat?

Possibly :)

I won't give it away then.


the deadite one???

or the hunter one?

n0mad's picture

and the winner is......

And the winner is Mattatuide………………

Actually Deadite 1 was actually a stuff up but the The Hunter was the winning 1….

200 Svalbards c0ming y0ur way Matt…..



i winnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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