June long weekend reveiw

hey all,
as you may know i recently went for an 8 hour drive up to newcastle for a basketball tournament.
i had a great time cos we won a match against the favorites (YAY)
amazingly i had no injuries but one of my teammates did. He broke his right wrist into and kind of “S” shape, which wasn’t a pretty sight :( he was hospitalized (yes, i know some big-ish and complicated words) for 3 days and went into surgery twice to get plates, and guess what? he has experience in getting plates in his arms because last year,at the same tournament, he broke both his arms and had plates in them

well, other than that it was a great long weekend :D


Microman's picture


Does he know what kind of metal it is?

I bet that hurt like a b*tch!

Sha8doW's picture


ahhh god dammit… i hate hearing about that stuff. groses me out!

funily enough, when stuff like that happens around me in real life, i cope very well and know what to do….
but hearing about it…. ahhh my god! ffs turn it off!

good one nestern

that will teach em to NOT to steal your cookies

willow's picture



Microman's picture


That reminds(how that hell is that a spelling mistake!?) me… Did you get yours in the mail? I should I expect a letter from AU customs…

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