everyone that uses hotmail or msn are in 4 a big shock. starting in 2 months we are all going to have to pay a monthly fee because there are only 300 names left that are under 10 words. there are only that many names left because people are making more than 1 account. if you have got 1 account dont make another one. The MSN company will not give fees if the amount of people making accounts decreases next month. pass this on to everyone that you know uses MSN or hotmail. please dont make any extra accounts or you will pay (literally)


Fuzz's picture


It’s not an April Fools joke if you do it in September Nestern…

I did some research on this, and found a reliable source backing it up. Check out the first result (well first any only result really).

btw, I just made 9 accounts :)

Microman's picture

Time to further ditch the microsoft wagon IMO

There are other messengers out there… Time to ditch more of the microsoft stuff!

AIM is good yeah?

I agree with them when they say other competitors would follow suit. Good thing there are open source alternatives… ICQ, Gtalk, Jabber, IRC

Fuzz's picture


IRC’s great yeah… Free plug

ICQ and AIM merged a while ago. Jabber’s supposed to be good, Gtalk’s based on it, but I haven’t really used it much. Thought about setting up a Jabber chatroom at one point, but the IRC one seems to do well.

Just get yourself an all purpose chat program, one that can connect to all of the above protocols, then it makes little difference if one shuts down and you have to use another. Trillian and Pidgin are two good ones.

Thanks for the link MM, even though Nesterns details were a little insane, it’s good to see there was some basis to it. It’s not quite as the original post.

Microsoft stresses that the site’s core facilities including Hotmail will remain free.

I’m sure MSN would be too, but if not, everone will just move to something else.

Microman's picture

Never been a better time.

Let’s face it, microsoft sucks.

Anyway… I don’t think they would charge for MSN, that would be stupid… Most of their users would just dump and move one.

Pidgin is a great little chat program. I have it – base install with ubuntu. Now I prefer it to the major laggy aMSN.

As I said, I really don’t think they will charge – stupid! Microsoft have proved me wrong before however…

Fuzz's picture


I heard a similar thing from Rupert Murdoch a few months ago, saying free news websites were stupid and he planned to charge for all of his soon (and he owns nearly all our news sites –, SMH etc). Crazy.

Microman's picture

Capitalist Bastards

I hate the way the world is turning… All about money.

The ads on website are annoying, but what would be more annoying would be to pay to view internet content. Not only would we have to buy the connection and the data, we would have to pay for the fricking web pages.

I think there will be people who would be willing to pay for the service, and then copy paste to their websites. Here’s hoping, because paying for the internet would be a pain in the butt. TV is sort of free, paid for by advertising. We get news on TV. Free new on the radio. Why would they even think of charging for internet news? Advertising people! Just not the popup type, because we block it, and the ad is wasted.

I think if the world further falls to capitalism, google will be much more popular, as they seem keen to stay free.

Sha8doW's picture


I lol’ed when i heard this

Does he actually think that anyone is going to pay for “unconfirmed sensationalism?” “political bias” and “celebrity hearsay and gossip?” when there is FREE or cheaper means available?

I mean, on the internet, just go to a different site… or go buy a magazine/paper for cheaper ffs! (probably more fact behind it anyway)

Journalism nowadays sucks… its more about money then it is about reporting the facts anyway!

Kazashi's picture


Murdoch Jr. has also spoken out about free news, saying that the BBC threatens journalism because it gives its services for free. Maybe if the Murdoch family had an interest in journalism in the first place, because I sure call The Sun a reliable and informative piece of literature…. oh, and don’t forget FOX News!

Hey Murdochs, how about this: instead of just whining about free news outlets, you go ahead and slap a fee onto your precious news sites. Then you can scratch your head and wonder why people aren’t paying for the crap you put out.

chipper's picture


fox is such a classic representation of all that is wrong in the world. foxhat i say to fox

Sha8doW's picture




has changed a lot since I started using it and it is no longer for me a trusted source of information on anything that has anything to do with a “product”

too much adwords/adsense spam

its okay for niche searches tho (finding shit that is just hard to find)

Hashy's picture

for your own sake and sanity,

for your own sake and sanity, seriously you dont need to hear the news. most of it is bullshit that has nothing to do with you. it is sensationalized bullshit, both the good and bad news, and all the advertising bullshit. we have the internet and can find the information that we want. I want weather info, i goto the source. find the stuff that interests, appeals to me. anything that directly affects me, i will know about it if it is really that important. its nice to be able to read the news when it is something interesting and unsensationalized, but I wouldnt be forking out for something that i am already used to being able to access at will for free. the billionare tyrant can twist it for us however he wants to get us to buy it, like the air tax. you know were paying to breath now thanks to new environmental and carbon taxes? they find a way to charge us for something, package and market it to us just right, and get us to buy it. either way, your still buying a bag of bullshit, it just isnt in a paper bag this time.

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