Team IPX ETQW Server at Home

Robag's picture

Hi All

Here is my work so far on a ETQW server at home
I have added the page under Gaming

But here is a direct link

I will post the ETQWProMod change when they are done :)

OMG i am such a G33K



Fuzz's picture

Great work Robag. Had a play

Great work Robag. Had a play on your server the other day, worked great. Ping was the same as other servers I’ve tried, no extra lag, seems to work well.

chipper's picture

nice work

nice work to all those involved. so we won’t have to use GC for pracs eh

Sha8doW's picture


thats some serious GG’s right there Robag!

Three cheers!

HarassmentPanda's picture

Thanks Robag

That’s some great work there. Certainly satisfies my requirements of not having to do much to get one running ;-)

In terms of longevity, your just running this until we get our more permanent solution in place right?

Robag's picture

Running server

Hi All
Yep HP this is just a Proof of Concept Server, i do not have enough upstream bandwith to keep it running.

I have my blackberry and exchange servers hanging off this DSL line as well
when you get ADSL2+ we can build it on your link.
i will try to get webmin running on the server and post the url for it
This should allow you to run up the server ETQW server by yourself.

I have got Promod 0.6 running as well


HarassmentPanda's picture

OK Cool

Thanks for doing this mate. Getting all the configs sorted out for us should make it a breeze to set-up and configure locally.

Robag's picture

yess yess yessssssssss

Hi all
I have got the test server running again
omfg the paths and promod WTF
time spent fixing the fracking thing
4 smokes
2 beers
and 2 hours on my life is will never get back :)


n0mad's picture

Testing is always g00d

Hey Robag,

Testing is better now than half way through a game and we all go WTF

Great job Robag, look forward to testing it out maybe next Prac day…

Padman Photshoot is coming

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