slashdot: How Quake Wars Met the Ray Tracer

Robag's picture

“Intel released the article ‘Quake Wars Gets Ray Traced’ (PDF)
which details the development efforts of the research team that applied a real-time ray tracer to
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars . It describes the benefits and challenges of transparency textures with this rendering technology.
Further insight is given into what special effects are most costly.
Examples of glass and a 3D water implementation are shown. The outlook hints into the area of freely programmable many-core processors, like Intel’s upcoming Larrabee, that might be able to handle such a workload.”


Sha8doW's picture


someones gunna have to spell that all in Engrish

Basically shadows and

Basically shadows and lighting capable of passing through transperent textures with accurate light dispersion and refraction.

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