Robag UPS sexy fun time

Robag's picture

Morning All

the mumble server is back up and running now
sorry about that :0
for some unknown reason my UPS’s shutdown all of my running servers and my ESX Hosts.
Not Happy Jan Not Happy
Robag looks over at UPS’s and shakes fist



Sha8doW's picture

not happy "jan"

ta Ro

Fuzz's picture


ouch on the esx servers going down. How many VMs in total did that shut down?

n0mad's picture

Did U teach it ?

g00d t0 hear…

ThanX 4 c0ntinuing 2 run it 2…………………..


Microman's picture


/me shakes fist at UPS

I had to type Robag! I had to press ‘t’ and then type!!!

/me thinks he will never be the same…

Robag's picture


all 7 of my Windows 2003 R2 virtual Severs
4 Blackberry servers
1 Linux Box (mumble)
1 Exchange 2003 server
1 Sql 2005 Server
1 Mail Server
2 X ESX 3.5 Hosts

and my File server as well ow thank god for my 3 Raid Arrays
all my files are safe


Fuzz's picture


far out, that’s painful. Very sweet home setup.

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