See now Norway is screwing with BF3
BF3 Norwegian Review Shenanigans Alleged
BF3Blog has a report by way of Norwegian news outlet NRK on what would appear to be attempts to manipulate review scores for Battlefield 3 by determining who receives review copies of the upcoming shooter sequel based on their preconceptions about the game, its beta test, and the competing Call of Duty franchise. They reproduce a questionnaire asking questions about potential reviewers including their review scores of previous Battlefield games, whether they are a Call of Duty fan, and even their present view of the game. They also note that: “A number of Norwegian gaming outlets, including popular ones like and GameReactor, have been refused review copies of Battlefield 3 due to their review scores of past Battlefield games.” They also quote a portion of an apology from EA Norway marketing manager Oliver Sveen saying: “this should not have been sent out. We have made a mistake and we apologize. This is not something that neither should have happened earlier or what we intend to continue.”
Robag and Screw norway
1984 job re writing history
That’s what this sh!t feels like. Manipulati0n 0f the medias 0utput in fav0ur 0f a pre determined p0int 0f view 0n a matter. This is 0therwise called prop0ganda, used widely by pe0ple like the Nazi’s ( did I just c0mpare Norweigians to Nazi’s??), why the f**k cant a game devel0pment c0mpany simply take HONEST FEEDBACK in fav0ur 0f a p0sitive biased review. A bias pre determined review w0nt give y0u feedback 0n NOTHING. This is a strategy simply t0 push the pr0duct as hard as p0ssible. Which is ridicul0us. The game d0esnt need it. This is BATTLEFIELD 3. En0ugh pe0ple are g0nna buy it and play it, en0ugh pe0ple will like it and a fair am0unt 0f pe0ple w0nt. Just because they d0nt like it, d0esnt mean they have n0 right t0 v0ice their 0pini0ns ab0ut it.
But hey, its 2011, p0st 9/11. Expect t0talitarianism, this is a pure example 0f this kind 0f sh!t. The fl0w 0f inf0rmati0n t0 y0u will be s0 c0ntr0lled and s0 manipulated y0u w0nt even care what s0ylent green is, if s0meb0dy actually t0ld y0u.
Am sure this is going on all over the place… I expect that kinda bs from EA and others to atrificially inflate their reviews….
But I find it hilarious that Norway was caught!
As fuzz said, screw them! (norway)
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