Valve/J.J. Abrams Collaboration? Half-Life or Portal Movie?

Robag's picture

Newell, Abrams announce plans for movie/game collaborations

At a DICE Summit conversation this morning, Valve cofounder Gabe Newell and TV and movie director J.J. Abrams announced plans to collaborate on future game and movie projects, including potential Portal and Half-Life movies.

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n0mad's picture


JJ is a fn awsum direct0r
Amazing h0w Spielberg gave him his first break…..


Sha8doW's picture

a silent film

pretty easy to remember your lines if you’re cast as the main protagonist!
and its a pretty type cast roll… unless you’ve got a box head, goatee and thick rimmed glasses, you need not apply!

n0mad's picture

JJ Star Trek and Star Wars

Als0 r0 did U kn0w 0ur bubby JJ is n0t 0nly d0ing the next Star Trek m0vie but he will als0
direct the next Star Wars Film

Star Trek Movie round 2 f0r him I h0pe he puts his magic int0 Star Wars and gives us fans s0methink t0 l00k f0rward t00…


HarassmentPanda's picture

Watched Fringe Yet?

That’s one amazing show.

Robag's picture


Yep love the Fringe, N0mad put me on to it. Up to Season 5 and still loving it


Hashy's picture

RIP Fringe.. =(

We could have had more.. But I think JJ didn’t wanna do what he did with Lost… Let it drag on and on and on an ruin it… Why ruin a good thing?

Half Life or Portal movie……?


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