Happy New Year TEAM - IPX

Robag's picture

Another Year D0ne everyone




n0mad's picture

Happy new year

To all Happy new Year

Toast T0 MATES


Here’s an 0ld vide0 t0 reminisce

chipper's picture


Hope 2015 is a good year for all.

Sha8doW's picture

quiet night


ltmon's picture

n0mad is still a youngun

That’s not an old video!

This is an old video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U84K55KmNJY

Where you around for Wolf:ET n0mad? AFAIR it was Fuzz, Shad, Chipper, Kazzoza, Kazashi, Hashy, Myself. And Ares, but we don’t mention him.

n0mad's picture


I missed the IPX ET Wolf shannanigans but etqw was sum of, if not, the best online multiplayer matches I’ve played. And yes LT wolf was great but I spent m0re time playing quake than I did wolf….


Fuzz's picture

Happy NY!

Wolf ET and ETQW… both fantastic gaming memories.

Yep, I think you’re right Lt. Yourself and Chipper were 2 of the first recruited. Everyone in the team before that was part of the group of friends that grew up in the Blue Mountains… I mean Svalbard.

n0mad and Robag weren’t very far behind when QW came along not long after.

Those videos are great. I reckon there’s still video of some of our “competitive” matches of ET and ETQW. By competitive, I mean when we came up with a fantastic idea like pass the puck, on River2Redux, completed in 4mins 50 (when about 10 mins was our previous best), then still got beat with a time of about 4:37).

Good times! I actually wish we had some mumble recordings of back then. The mayhem that ensues is hilarious.

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