My trip home

Firstly i went to the shops with my friends, luke and shamus. Luke needed to buy some more undies so me and shamus grabed some 7 yr old girl ones and gave them to him, as we did these old folks were death staring us.

After i left the shops i had to go to the chiropracter, where i found out that i had torn my quad tendon that goes over my knee (6 weeks recovery)he said because im so awsome at touch .

After that i went around the corner to get some take away for dinner, where this old dude was playing bingo with himself, even stranger he was cheering him self on.
I got the fuck out of there because he wouldnt stop staring at me.

Listening to the radio with the window down i was listening to the radio- Host1: “fingering was a big part of my school” Host2: “really” Host1: “yer, my friend and i used to do alot of it”. “i always used to help her”. “anyways she wanted to break a world record of how many fingering u can get so she got the whole school involed”. Host2: “really the whole school” Host1: “yer the whole primary school, they all loved it”. I winded the window up to hear better, as i did irealized she was talking about finger knitting……the end


Microman's picture


That was hard to follow, needed paragraphs…

  • Gets friend some 7 y/o knickers, old couple glares
  • Chiropractor says you torn your quad tendon, and it will take 6 weeks to heal
  • You go to get some food, and there is a guy playing bingo with himself, and is even cheering himself on. You GTFO of there
  • Radio hosts unknowingly talking about masturbating
Sha8doW's picture


Serious dude… are you drunk!
i know i do some sock writing and use the shooty keypad on my iphone but fark… that too me like 8 attempts to figure that out
you need to work on that! as Micro said, maybe some paragraphs are in order… the structure wasnt quite there buddy!
OMG, i just reaised that you seem to be relaying conversation…
work on that a little more dude

it was an interesting story… now i kinda get it

again im not

a english guys i failed english because of those reason that micro said…..i am sci and math guy. plus i was typing one hand because i was holding ice pack


is it up to ur standards

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