Upgraded from a slug to a beast

Somtin's picture

So for the last few months I’ve had enormous trouble playing games due to the fact that I had a cheap laptop which was very very slow.

Well nooowww, I bought myself a computer and am ready slay zombies and rob banks in glorious high detail 1080p!

My specs:
Graphics Chip: Nvidia GT460
PSU: 700W Cooler Master Power Supply
Memory: 8GB 1.6GHz memory Gigabyte
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670 3.4GHz
HD: 3TB Seagate Barracuda

All being played on a 24” LED monitor.

Alright, so it’s not enthusiast (not made of money here;) ) but it definitely does a job with rendering those zombies and creating those glorious blood splatters.


Robag's picture

ow Robag

Like’s the smell on new hardware in the morning

well i think i may have to go out an buy new hardware just to spite you Somtin :D


Fuzz's picture


Gotta love upgrading!

Sha8doW's picture


If i cant have blood splatters because of the government, you cant have them either!

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