Tripsicle98's blog

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Minecraft Wars

Hi Yall

Not many of you know that this is going on

Over the last 3-4 days the team ipx minecraft server has become a war zone

There Are two teams that are fighting this bloody battle

Team 1
Dethbydan(Aka Microman 171 )

Team 2
CheesyDawg95 (Ex neutral)


This has gone to the next level now as people are becoming traitors and so forth

Just thought id let yall know

Peace Out

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Minecraft is Out of Beta

Just thought id let yall know that minecraft is out :D


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Hey yall Need a new Graphics Card

I need a new graphics card the is capable of playing BF3 .
I currently have a GT220 which struggles to even play the intro to the game .
Any suggestions . Also i am pretty poor atm so anything over $350 is going to be a
little problem


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Is it me or is mumble down :(

Anyone else having this problem? Please Help i am just writing this because it wont let me post it otherwise

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Introducing The Floating Machine Gun On BFBC2

Hey guys we know that there are quite a few things wrong with BFBC2 Just to list a few REGO, Flying People , Being Shot with a Uzi from like over half a Kilometer away And also Being shot throw a massive ass rock with a hand gun! . But now i have found the best ( In my Opinion ) Dun Dun Da ! The Floating Mounted MG

It Includes such great features as being able to hit someone 3 meters of either side of them and the ability to have mortars hit you tower and survive (NOT JOKING)

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What games are worth getting

Just a quick question guys what games should i go out and buy


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Contrary to popular belief Vanilla was not the first flavor of ice cream

It was actually “a mixture of nectar, fruit pulp and honey”

So now we should be saying “ which bad company are you playing “the correct response should be “nectar fruit pulp and honey”

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Mumble Down :(

Mumble is down for some reason ???

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BFBC2 And Vietnam Stats Aren't saving

Hey guys on bad company if i go to my stats and have a look at them there is noting no pins no insignias or stars
but if i go to battle tracker if fine there all there

Any Suggestions


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Good Luck Everybody

Hey guys good luck for tonights match

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