
Team IPX LoL ladder

rank 3 o yeah, come get some

Beta updates 21/03/12 - Miner Wars

So I have been thinking a lot about miners with all these new people joining ;). So in the spirit of that, here is a new MMO coming out soon. Have you ever played the old game Decent? Have you ever played EVEonline? Well smash them together and that is Miner Wars. This game is still in Pre-Alpha, but you can download a demo version or pre-order for a full version pre-alpha with updates along the way.

Minecraft mods





they all came out today, youcan find the modloader and modloadermp and all that on the IC2 download link

For some strange reason I can't stop watching this.....

This is from the L4D2 game the other night.

Aus vs NZ (Round 1) L4D2 Versus

Team Australia: 1826 points
Team NZ: 1477 points

Winner (10 points) = Australia

Player of the Match (2 Points) = Australia for Silent’s stellar performance

Noobie of the Match (1 points) = New Zealand for Don’s noble, but altogether tragic performance

Traitor Points (percentage of points corresponding to number of traitors) = Team Australia fielded one New Zealand player (Microman) which corresponds to 25% of the four players. Therefore 25% of final score will be stripped and awarded to Team NZ. NOTE: since Micro only played for one round I am awarding only 1 points to Team NZ rather than 2.5

Final Score
Team Aus: 11
Team NZ: 2

Minecraft mods

equivalent exchange

part 1

part 2

full darkmatter armour cost 800 diamonds

this would prolong that game for ages

Lord Deadite Plays Duke Nukem Forever

Have not made it very far in the game yet, will hopefully get more time to play in the weekend. Has anyone completed it?

Tripsicle98's picture


Well im back , I passed my course and are now the youngest Senior Fire fighter in the country . It essentially was a week of pure hell , Just to name a few things we had to where Climb in and around a maze of just random shit in 75 degree Celsius heat , we also had to endure the pain of Compartment fire training (Just general hell ) . So yeah only really got a couple of photos of CFT because my camera died :( I couldnt take a photo of it because i didn’t have another one spare but it was quite badly disfigured . So yeah thats about it im glad to be back , i only came away with one injury (Record for me ) of a burnt hand . See you lot on the Battlefield

On the side of very hot Notice the Warped Visor

Notice the Warped Visor

PS it wasnt all shit we had a pretty mean water fight .

Battlefield 3 Close Combat Trailer

Morning Lads

Here Trailer for first DLC

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