
Sha8doW's picture

Is it even possible?

So I upgraded my interwebs account: from 40-60gb. They said I “MAY” receive a speed upgrade but as I am peeking the ADSL1 speed limit, it was doubtful!
Our “rollover” and new metering month started on the 2nd Feb (so we’ve been on the new plan/month for 2days)
I started back at work this week after a month off. I’ve have been pretty sick still, so haven’t been around on the computer at home in the evenings…. and the wife’s been using the iPad (3g – so there hasn’t been much using the interwebs at home)

Last night my wife asks, “Can I download some “stuff”?” “Yeah sure” I replied and told her that we’ve got our additional 20gigs to make our lives easier and so we arent shaped all the bloody time!
The current metered usage when she got on was Less than 100mb!
We went to bed! ;)

I woke this morning with the kids, got them breakfast then came into the computer…. I realised the PC & torrents had been left on all night!

I stopped the screen saver to see….

New Minecraft server

First off, sorry man. I know you bought a server, but it is all the way in France and its a bit hard to play on some times. Thank you all the same for doing that though, it was very much appreciated. After having a major lag out, losing every thing I had from dying in a wall that wasnt there and respawning in the ocean not knowing where to go… well I went and got my own server. I did this for myself, but I figured I would share the joy.

Server details run down:
Based in Brisbane, QLD
1gig Ram
High up time (only down for Minecraft updates)
Fixed unique IP (I may get a domain name, or if Robag wants to arrange this I can IPX tag it?)
Custom Mods/Bukkit plugins (It will take me a couple of days to get this up and running, Im new to it. Yes I want to do it myself as part of my learning curve)
White listed (Please comment your username and I will add it as soon as I can)

Tripsicle98's picture

Team IPX Awards Of 2011/2012

All the Votes Are in So lets get to it

Best Assault

The Winner ( By no surprise really)

The Runners Up
A Three Way between
Mattatuide , Limpy and KillerSL

Honourable Mention
Step Up . He’s always around that corner to bite you in the arse

Best Engineer

The Winner

The Runners Up

Honourable Mention

Best Support

The Winner
This can only go to one person .

The Runner Up

Best Recon

The Winner
Deadite Or as Stepup Likes to Call you Deadnoob :)

The Runner Up

Honourable Mention

The IPX Vehicle Whore of the Year

The Winner

The Runner Up

Honourable Mention

Tripsicle98's picture

Nominations for IPX Awards 2011 Now Open

Thats right the IPX awards are back and better than ever :P (Yes i know its been a While )

Listed Below are SOME Categories and i must emphasise SOME as we want you to come up with your own a as well

You can nominate as many people as you like , in as many categories as you like but please dont nominate yourself .

To Nominate Someone , Please PM Me in this format.

Category :
Player :
Reason :

Nominations will close on the 1st of February 2012 at 5pm NZDT :)

Sample Categories

Best Assault

Best Support

Best Engineer

Best Recon

Best Vehicle Whore

Player thats obbsessed with Aircraft

Mr Stab Happy

Most Kills ….. On The Same Team

Mr Hackcusation

Oh the List Is endless .

Just get your vote into me by the 1st of feb and you will get to have your say in the Team IPX 2011 Awards
Feel free to contact me if you have questions

Happy Australia Day Team IPX

just wanted to give a shout out to Australia on this fine day. Looks like the rain is clearing up and the flood waters a going down so it should be a good day.
I’m off to my parents for Family night (roads were flooded so we couldn’t get there last night).
So what are you guys up to?

Fuzz's picture

Site back online

Moved temporarily to backup server on Dreamhost.

I’ll apologize for the downtime on behalf of our (soon to be ex) hosting company.


Q: Why does the url now say when i went to
A: Because it god damn does!
er… I mean. Actually yeah, that’s what I mean :) When we get back onto some real hosting that will disappear. For now, just be aware of it.

what we have been waiting for :D IC2 for 1.1

change log list
download link
Port to MC 1.1.0
Storage blocks don’t emit redstone power anymore by default due to interference with nearby transformers. The plan is to add a button to the GUI which allows different modes. Currently, only a “emit redstone if full” mode is implemented, but disabled by default. You can enable it via config. Watch for Transfos sitting next to your dear storages.
New config setting to disable ore and rubber tree generation
Major internal changes, outsourcing item references into the API
Overhauls regarding the system of energy storing of items via NBT Tags. This will deplete all your current save’s items to 0 EU, but provide faster and more accurate access in future.
Add the first set of the new Crop System
Fix Miner crash
Fix CF Pack recipe (hopefully)
Fix Machines not reducing the input ItemStack
Fix scanner area calculation for negative coordinates
Add Achievements

Like Star Wars?

and have a spare 2 hours? Check out this remake of A New Hope that was edited together from 15 second clips of fan recreated scenes. Really re-establishes my faith in humanity, 10/10.!

Cyber war I

As you say they have stopped SOPA, they have taken down As this has been taken down by the government, a group called “Anonymous” have given no mercy. On the 19th of January, when megaupload was taken down. This group decided they wanted revenge and weren’t playing nice.


Anon (Otherwise known as Anonymous) are a group hackers, who have retaliated with the downing of Megaupload, well, not so well. As a response to the governments act, they went on a ‘Revenge Spree’
they have taken down Government sites such as;, USDOJ.GOV,,,

After those they have decided to attack major music labels to such as; and

Alot of of infected sites are either completely shut down, or just really really slow.

Hashy's picture

SOPA and PIPA Shelved!


So it appears we have won this round. SOPA and PIPA have been shelved… For now..

A big thank you to all those who spoke up against these silly anti privacy laws disguised as anti piracy laws.

I would also like to thank Anonymous for hitting them where it hurts. While we do not condone computer cracking, I personally do support these hostile attacks against establishment databases. I had no part in any of it, I am simply in agreement that sometimes aggressive destruction of social and human rights requires an equal measure of resistance.

Breathe easy, for now fellas. But don’t go back to sleep. They will try to do this again while were all busy with the 2012 London Olympics or some sh!t. Be aware, be awake, be prepared. Tyranny knows no bounds, nor does justice, freedom, and liberties.

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