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Friday April 10, 2009
Start: 10/04/2009 20:00

Game: Enemy Territory
Poll Results: Here
Date & Time: Friday 10/04/09 around 8:00pm start
Password: ask in irc or mumble if you don’t already know

Enemy Territory is a free game and the following files will be required

Wednesday April 15, 2009
Start: 15/04/2009 19:01
End: 15/04/2009 21:01

“Bob’s new clan has challenged us to a scrim on Wednesday, 7pm. Who’s up for it?”

Saturday April 18, 2009
Start: 18/04/2009 21:00
End: 18/04/2009 23:00

Nearly no notice, I know, but lets see how many we can get on tonight :)

Please put down your availability below as YES or NO


Team IPX 08:00pm (Sunday 19th April) Comment
Kraizen Yes surprise!
Miroman171 No That would be 11pm!
Somtin No 11pm here to…

Sunday April 19, 2009
Start: 19/04/2009 20:00

We’ve been challenged by bIgW= Lets see some good commitment.
The challenge has been accepted……………

Please put down your availability below as YES or NO (anything else will be interpreted as NO).

Team 4 t0night

Team IPX 08:00pm (Sunday 19th April) Comment
n0mad © Yes ~
chipper yes ~
Kraizen Yes ~
Robag Yes ~
Willow Yes ~
Rayne Yes ~

BackUP Subs

Team IPX 08:00pm (Sunday 19th April) Comment
Ltmon Maybe ~
Fuzz Maybe ~
Microman171 Yeah ~


Team IPX 08:00pm (Sunday 19th April) Comment
n0mad © Yes ~
chipper yes ~
Somtin poss ~
Ltmon Maybe ~

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