IPX gaming night this Friday 10th April !!!!!!Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!!!!!!

chipper's picture
Padman night (custom maps)
23% (3 votes)
Smokinguns night
23% (3 votes)
I'm a slack bastard and can't make it
8% (1 vote)
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
46% (6 votes)
Total votes: 13


chipper's picture

No pressure

Who is up for some fun filled gaming chaos?

Who wants to cop a betty in the face from Hashy and n0mad?

Who would like to see shad in a camp poncho?

If you answered yes to either of these questions (or don’t have a clue what they are about) please vote for your preference above.

Both Padman, Smokin guns and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory are free games that are very easy to download and install so not having them is not a reason to miss out. They are also really easy to play.

Info and downloads for smokin guns

Info and downloads for Padman and here

Download mumble (also free) for the night as well so we can chat to each other.

Info and download for mumble and here

Due to popular demand Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory has been added to the poll. Its a faster and simpler than etqw so folks shouldn’t have any issues picking it up.
info and downloads for W:ET
and here

also need patch 2.6b patch http://www.gamearena.com.au/downloads/details.php/enemy-territory-patch-…
also a good map pack is this one http://www.gamearena.com.au/downloads/details.php/enemy-territory-season…
ET pro will download automatically on the joining of any gamearena server (thanks Kraizen)

Start time is flexi but lets say 8:30ish. post if you have any preferences.

The more that show the more fun it is. This is also a good good chance for some of the newer recruits to get to know other team members so Rayne, Microman, Oozaru and DJBBQ it would be good if you could show.

Sha8doW's picture


are these our only options?
I understand the “Free” and “linux” criterion, therefore is suggest we add ET:W to the list.

chipper's picture


added to poll

n0mad's picture

I v0ted

Padman Padman Padman……………..

Padman customs maps are here

I think we should just pick 3 new Padman Maps if the Padman Vote is successful……..
Anyway lets see how the vote turns out…….



Lets go Hawx gaming nite

Sha8doW's picture

that WOULD be a great idea!

all IPX in the air supporting eachother while playing another groupd of humans!

Maybe when they fix that freaking Camera!!

Fuzz's picture


I’d vote ET:W too if it was an option. So many of the new recruits probably haven’t had a chance to play it, and for a long time it was the only game many of us played. Well worth a revisit on a night like this.

chipper's picture

vote away fuzz

also I forgot this weekend is the Easter long weekend which may affect peoples availability?

So please post/vote so we can see how many shows and no shows.

ltmon's picture


I forgot it was Easter…. I change my vote from “Padman” to “Slack bastard”. Sorry all.

Sha8doW's picture

voting twice

SGs and ET:W are my picks, my vote is currently for SG’s due to the fact it was 1st and I cant vote twice (nor do i want to fudge the numbers of attendees)


I’ve been dying to play with you guys :) RG here I come ;)

n0mad's picture

ET Virgin

As I have never played ET can someone link us up with the files we need ?

I have left my v0te as Padman as I can’t get enough of that game as U all know….
but would really like to try my first game of ET……


chipper's picture

here tis

Hi n0mad,

get this file
Map packs can be downloaded here

if we do play et we will post the maps that everyone will need to get.

Sha8doW's picture

is that really all of it Chip?

thought there was the punkbuster b, dealie..
you could be right, i just remember there being more

chipper's picture

should be...

pb should dl and install with the game

also need patch 2.6b

also need patch 2.6b patch


also a good map pack is this one


ET pro will download automatically on the joining of any gamearena server

Have fun!

Microman's picture


I voted Wolfenstein, had a quick look and thought it looked pretty good. I will be there on Friday :-)

I haven’t downloaded any of them yet, so when we have a decision I will download.

chipper's picture

Voting closes Thursday

will close the poll Thursday so folks have time download the files they need.

turn out has been good so far! hopefully a few more will show!!

willow's picture


I voted padman bec i need to get myself wolfeinstein:ET! Might be at church on Friday so dont know if i will be able to make it.

If ET wins, is it on IPX’s

If ET wins, is it on IPX’s server and if so will it be using PB?

chipper's picture


server will depend on maps choice (mostly likely it will be a gamecreate server just to make life easy)

curious as to why the PB question? but yes we will use PB

He He its because of win7 Pb

He He its because of win7 Pb people are to lazy to make it compatible with it :( im gonna install Xp again any way (dualboot)

chipper's picture

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

given issues with downloading and configuring games, maps etc it has been decided to cal Friday nights game early. and the unanimous is Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

so can you please have a look at the earlier posts and download and install the game. If you have any issues with it jump in IRC and assistance will be provided.

Please also download mumble so that we can help you in voice. its easier than typing. ET doesn’t have voip support so you will need it for the in game banter anyway ;)

Thanks to everyone that has voted and hopefully we will see you all on Friday night for some laughs.

Sha8doW's picture

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

If you are interested in playing on Friday – Just to be sure and if you missed them above

You will need: Mumble, The Game, Patches, Punkbuster, Maps

All the links are above and you can generally get a free DL from your ISP. If having trouble setting up any of the above please jump into IRC THURSDAY and discuss your issues, someone will be able to assist.

Test it BEFORE friday!

willow's picture

roger roger

hopefully my local EB games/ Gameshack will have ET in shop, if not, im going to come with my pompoms on mumble to cheer yah for ET friday!!

Give me a double u!… W!!….give me an O! Ooooo….lol

Fuzz's picture


ET:W’s free!!! Download it from the links Chipper posted to the useful gaming page.

willow's picture


im late as usual….i really should stay off the stroyent!

He he im install Xp again

He he im install Xp again just so i can play ET :)

chipper's picture


Booking description: IPX
Booked Date and Time: Friday, 10 April 2009 @ 08:30am AEDT
Duration: 3 hours
Game: Enemy Territory
Server address:
Max players: 16
Mod directory: etpub
Map – GC: SW Oasis
Timelimit: 20 mins
Antilag: ON
Force Team Balance: off
Punkbuster: On
Headshot Mode: OFF

MAPS we can play are:
Braundorf b4
Special Delivery 2
Supply Depot
SW Goldrush
SW Oasis
Reactor final
Headshot2 b2
Decerto b2
Password 2

but to be honest I reckon that considering most folks will be 1st timers that the 6 that come with the game dl will be enough!

PW will be given in IRC or mumble prior to the game so please check in

chipper's picture


If you are having issues installing the game please see this GUIDE

the guide gives a nice walk through on the install process etc

note that the “2.60b full install for Windows” isn’t actually there

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