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Friday April 10, 2009
Start: 10/04/2009 20:00

Game: Enemy Territory
Poll Results: Here
Date & Time: Friday 10/04/09 around 8:00pm start
Password: ask in irc or mumble if you don’t already know

Enemy Territory is a free game and the following files will be required

Wednesday April 15, 2009
Start: 15/04/2009 19:01
End: 15/04/2009 21:01

“Bob’s new clan has challenged us to a scrim on Wednesday, 7pm. Who’s up for it?”

Saturday April 18, 2009
Start: 18/04/2009 21:00
End: 18/04/2009 23:00

Nearly no notice, I know, but lets see how many we can get on tonight :)

Please put down your availability below as YES or NO


Team IPX 08:00pm (Sunday 19th April) Comment
Kraizen Yes surprise!
Miroman171 No That would be 11pm!
Somtin No 11pm here to…

Sunday April 19, 2009
Start: 19/04/2009 20:00

We’ve been challenged by bIgW= Lets see some good commitment.
The challenge has been accepted……………

Please put down your availability below as YES or NO (anything else will be interpreted as NO).

Team 4 t0night

Team IPX 08:00pm (Sunday 19th April) Comment
n0mad © Yes ~
chipper yes ~
Kraizen Yes ~
Robag Yes ~
Willow Yes ~
Rayne Yes ~

BackUP Subs

Team IPX 08:00pm (Sunday 19th April) Comment
Ltmon Maybe ~
Fuzz Maybe ~
Microman171 Yeah ~


Team IPX 08:00pm (Sunday 19th April) Comment
n0mad © Yes ~
chipper yes ~
Somtin poss ~
Ltmon Maybe ~

Thursday April 23, 2009
Start: 23/04/2009 20:00
End: 23/04/2009 22:00

Please put down your availability below as YES or NO (anything else will be interpreted as NO).


Team IPX Map Preference Availability (Yes/No) Friday 08:30pm (24 April) Saturday 09:30pm (25 April) Sunday 07:30pm (26 April) Comment
Robag Island Yes Yes Yes Yes all days good for me
Microman171 Whatever, not Area22 Yes Yes Only if I’m needed Yes Computer should be fixed by then…
n0mad Anything Yes Yes No No Yes to Friday 0nly
willow n/a No No No No (sigh)(sob)(sniff)(sob)(mortifying)
Kraizen ATW3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Damn why cant I have my new computer yet! xD
Ltmon Not Area22 Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe Can’t really commit, but likely available for all if needed
HO Map No No No No Comment
Name Map Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Comment
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