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« Wednesday July 08, 2009 »
Start: 08/07/2009 11:00


To all IPX, Mr & Mrs n0mad are happy 2 ann0unce the arrival of baby girl n1mad
b0rn: 07/07/09 at 6:43pm
Weighing in at 7 LBS and 1 1/2 OZ (3210 GMS)

Baby due date is 18/07/09………….

Thanky0u all f0r y0ur kind w0rds bel0w and lets h0pe he 0r she likes Padman
Maybe we can have a Baby IPX t0rny sum time d0wn the track :P
Even th0 I think r0bag may already be d0ing sum c0aching………

Anyway thanX again all……………….


Now this is a IPX challenge g00d luck Mrs N0mad and Mr N0mad


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