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Friday August 03, 2012
Start: 03/08/2012 20:29
End: 03/08/2012 23:32

It is shootin tootin time!!! Make sure you have the new and improved extra shiny v1.1 locked’n‘loaded….

It is free so go dl now if you haven’t already
Sign up Table

Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) Friday 20:30 Comment
Robag y y Bring it on yall
Shad y y like donkey kong + Swiss
n0mad n0 n0 last minute n0 I blame the missus
Name y/n y/n comment + cheese
Name y/n y/n comment + cheese
Name y/n y/n comment + cheese
Name y/n y/n comment + cheese
Name y/n y/n comment + cheese
Name y/n y/n comment + cheese
Name y/n y/n comment + cheese
Name y/n y/n comment + cheese
Thursday August 09, 2012
Start: 09/08/2012 20:00
Team IPX Available Attendance Windows live ID
Mangomuncher1325 Y Y Mangomuncher666
Fuzz Y Y fuzzytexan
Robag Y Y RobagIPX
Akenn23 Y Y Sparten1469
Sha8dow - - -
Hashy - - -
N0MAD Y Y n0madIPX
Friday August 17, 2012
Start: 17/08/2012 20:30
End: 17/08/2012 21:30
Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) Friday 20:30 Comment
Fishey101 y y i didnt get to play that much of the last ne, and it was fun as , cant wait :P
Fuzz y y Damn this game is fun… I’ll be there closer to 9 than 8:30, but you won’t be able to keep me away from SHAguns #2
Ltmon y y More bank robbery mode (or TDM) needed this time!
Robag y y light the fuse on this one bob :p
immrbob y y I will see what i can do for you Ro
Mango y y I won most of the last matches, what’s stopping me now?
chipper y y wooot woot
Akenn23 y y Feel the wrath of my dual pistols!
n0mad Yes Yes pist0ls l0aded, sniper rifle purchased and running 0n the stati0n platf0rm :P
Name y/n y/n comment + cheese
Saturday August 18, 2012
Start: 18/08/2012 11:00

This is the current comp in Dirt 2. If you can get a top 10% time you get 2000 in game fame points.
Enter at all you get 500.
Top 10 total, 10,000 FP.

Current Leaderboard:

Top 10 for the tournament.

Friiends leaderboard for Battersea/Dallenbach

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