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Saturday May 18, 2013
Start: 18/05/2013 19:30


Team IPX Attending Yes/No Comment
Somtin Yes You guys are going down, no lube.
Fuzz Yes y u no like padman?
Sha8doW No out in the great blue yonder
Sanga No Just found out I’m at my dads house… . ARGH was looking forward to it so much! Have Fun Guys (:
Akenn23 Yes Stuff
Microman Yeah Will give somtin a good run :)
n0mad Yes Padddy Padman Bring it
ltmon Yes I cancelled my wedding anniversary dinner for the original date, you bastards
Robag No In the US
Saturday June 01, 2013
Start: 01/06/2013 19:00

Enemy Territory Wolfenstein turned 10 on Wednesday the 29th of May. Come help us celebrate by joining in the fun! :)

Alright, the last Enemy Territory event was such a success and I had so much fun, I’m making another one, but this time, we’ll be playing campaigns from the two map packs which can be found here:

So without further ado, the table, please sign up everyone, and invite your friends! :)

Go here:

Follow the instructions to install a global id on your enemy territory install. If you do not do this, you will not get xp save!

Name Attending Yes/No Comment
Somtin Yes Custom maps guyysss! :D
Akenn23 Yes The first one was a great success!
Saturday June 08, 2013
Start: 08/06/2013 19:00

Sorry guys, cancelled due to lack of interest

I’m on a roll with these quake 3 total conversion challenges, so I thought I’d keep going.. ;)


First, the table, so you can sign up (for gameplay reasons, really need a minimum of about 10 people to be able to play, really stale game with less than that);

Name Attending Yes/No Comment
Somtin Yes OM NOM NOM
Slacker Yes Trem vet incoming …
Akenn23 Yes Yay! Challenges
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