Sha8doW's picture

Ok, so out of 10……. what do we rate it!?

personally i give it a 7, but its not bad!
what are peoples comments on the game too?

after 3 or 4 posts ill give you all mine!



Fuzz's picture

6 / 10... for now

I’d say 6/10 for now. When I start getting higher than 20-30fps I’ll give it another rating. It just doesn’t feel right at that speed. Much prefer ET, but I’d say its just the speed.

I do like the vehicles – I thought I’d hate them, but I’m getting into that.

Can’t wait for a few new maps.

Kazashi's picture

I'll wait for the final, but...

I’d probably give it a 7 or 8 right now. True, I don’t have sound, and I can’t play against anyone yet, but I like it. Out with the tired old WW2 and ‘Nam shooters, in with the future war shooters (until that becomes overly tired again… thanks for jumping on the bandwagon BF2142!). Vehicles are fun, more maps should also make it more fun. I think I’ll like this more than ET.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I think ETQW is capped at 30fps.

Fuzz's picture

30 fps? get out of here!

I’m guessing everyone elses 20-30fps is better than mine, damn GF7400go. Hurry up new pc!! Plus i’m playing mine at 1024×768 on low detail…. painful.

And I miss WW2 shooters. Would have loved to play COD online – that was fun multiplayer.

yeh i get a constant 30fps

yeh i get a constant 30fps which is annoying. i can’t wait for this game…so i’ll be bias and go 9/10:)

n0mad's picture

Have you tested the new DEMO 14/09/07

Bigpong Gamearena Comment;
The official demo for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars was released this week,
offering an un-restricted look at one of the maps from Splash Damage and
id Software’s forthcoming multiplayer focused shooter.

I trust this new Demo will maybe fix some of the FPS issues any one tried it yet ?

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