Keen for a scrim :D

Hey guys!

Keen for a scrim on 1st of dec 8pm your time so i think its 10pm our time?

Let us know!

If you need to get in contact or use battlelog “Grassyhopper” or “b00sta_nz” or “whatty”



Microman's picture


Count me in.

Sweet looking at a 12vs12,

Sweet looking at a 12vs12, please let us know if you cant get a team together :)

Iam In

Put me in iam keen, i will be in ozz till next Wednesday the 30th so just back in time for it. :}

Sha8doW's picture

A bazillion* svalbards are on offer

For someone to make the challenge page, for strats, a captain and just general participation (filling out the challenge page)

So hop to it, before someone yells “stolen”

*bazillion is a gross over exaggeration, bit there is still HEAPS o Svalbards on offer or those kinds of activities/site actions!

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