E3 2013 s0 Much crap but 0w s0 much g0ld 2 B f0und

n0mad's picture

I had t0 Start with the m0st anticipated game TMNT Out Of the Shadows

m0rning well thus ends E3 F0r 2013 And what a year t0 C0me f0r gaming s0 Much crap & big pr0mises and as we kn0w very little substance…….And we have;
Mad Max s0unds like an idea but will It really B m0re than a c00l Idea
NBA 2K 2014 gets better l00king with each NBA release and this 0ne may ever get my hard earned cash
Saints Row IV l00ks awsum but deep d0wn Its n0 3 With m0ds [Yep Saints Row 3 Is better than GTA. I said It]
Batllefield 4 And DayZ Standal0ne I am ch00sing DayZ s0 Much t0 L0se with every enc0unter
Witcher 3 RPG finally m0ves t0 An 0pen w0rld and yes n0 Real difference t0 N0 2 But n0w free r0aming is all0wed
Dragon Age an0ther RPG but it still h0lds y0ur hand t0 The next r00m/Battle
The Elder Scrolls Online may just be skyrim 0nline and that may just be 0k…
Batman Arkam Origins may just be the best Batman game t0 C0me t0 PC
Star Wars is in there again but will it make t0 release 0r get caned again My m0neys 0n never see the light 0f day
Thief 4 again sh0wing that stealth is the best way t0 Play

And here’s sum links
IGN E3 Big Games List
List 0f trailers

Well the ab0ve Is a quick wrap up 0f many vids and reading ive d0ne 0ver the past 2 Weeks
there is al0t t0 Dislike ab0ut E3 especially if y0ur a PC gamer But there is g0ld there Its just hard t0 Find. 0hhh and it’s al0t harder t0 Find the h0t b00th babes this year



Microman's picture

The Division

This game looks AWESOME!

Not for the PC platform yet, but it looks like they are thinking about it. I really hope it’s released for PC as this is the coolest looking game I’ve seen.

Microman's picture

The Crew

Another E3 title from Ubisoft is ‘The Crew’ which, from the trailer, looks like it could also be good fun. I haven’t looked into it yet… Hopefully it’s for PC also.


Tripsicle98's picture

I can confirm the crew is for PC aswell as all the new consoles

Not sure about the division though

Sha8doW's picture

Starwars Battlefont/field dealie

Im waiting for that one…

Robag's picture


oww robag likey i feel a big need for speed most wanted going on there…..

should be worth a look


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