New t0y f0r ETQW

n0mad's picture

Getting b0ard 0f ETQW and want to be punched ar0und while playing y0ur favorite games
Well your in luck……..

“The HTX Helmet delivers blows to the head when you are fired upon.”

Just what I want real headaches from my gaming sessi0ns….
Warning this device may make y0u a camper……

“The FPS Vest is an impact-generating device designed to enable you to feel the game’s action for the ultimate gaming experience.
It contains eight active zones that simulate the direction and forces of bullet fire, crushing explosions, and fear-inducing finger taps
as they occur in the game.”

This line scares the shit 0ut 0f me
“fear-inducing finger taps as they occur in the game”
Since when is there finger taps on your body while you play ?

This may bring back life t0 ETQW or just make U bruised and wanting to become a camper……



Sha8doW's picture

i wonder

I wonder what types of effects are felt while watching Pajorno?

this could be the next generation in “self gratification”

Microman's picture

Finger Taps?


Bugger that. I bet they cost heaps, and are shit to wear. Imagine the scrim against tW?

Concussion anyone?

Somtin's picture

Heh, maybe a smack in the

Heh, maybe a smack in the head might help you concentrate? Hm? Who knows? :P

Nah, I reckon that helmet is just a hunk of shit.

EDIT: what are svalbards?

willow's picture

what are svalbards?

I’d tell yah though it would cost yah…say for 10 Svalbards. I see you’ve only got 30atm so its a generous offer.

*rubbing of hands with evil lol

Fuzz's picture


the answer you seek lies on a page on the site… I’ll leave it up to you to find it :)

Sha8doW's picture

lol @ willow

LMAO at willow making an offer for 1/3 of somtins svalbards just so he can just find out what they are!

i knew that search function was a good idea fuzz!


Helmet…… hmmmm……NO it would mess up my hair, besides there must be a brick wall i can bang my head against for free.

Vibrating hand held tool….hmmmm…… Don’t you all have one of them already anyway?? :D

Vest….hmmm… it would be cheaper to piss off a street thug and be bashed and mugged wouldnt it?

You could probably get

You could probably get mugged wearing it! Finish Him!

X2 Style bonus . xD

Sha8doW's picture

Vibrating hand held tool

MANY! And ive got a new compressor and they go like… oh, wait… oh, that kinda vibrating hand tool!

well, i could now go onto my “stationary object vs vibrating impliment” rant, but ill save that for another time

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