g00d m0rning fell0w IPXers…….

WOPIT#2 is 0nly a few days away and the f0ll0wing Members have n0t signed up,
Cheesy, Deadite, HarassmentPanda, Kazozza, Kerrien, Killer, Milzy, Sc0ut, Spudinator & WickFi5h

All that we (The BoD) ask 0f y0u is t0 advise if you wish t0 play, Padman is a great game and the TEAM m0de we are playing is s0 much fun and you may be surprised how much fun Padman can be and it’s FREE

Als0 we plan 0n having a TEAMIPX ph0t0sh00t during the t0urnament s0 again we w0uld like t00 see y0u all there…..

So we ask y0u again, please advise if U can play s0 we can ch00se the teams…..

And d0n’t f0rget the winner will receive a great prize….


WOPIT #2 Signup now

We are about to pick teams for WOPIT#2 if you haven’t signed up please do s0 as we would like to arrange teams A.S.A.P.

Signup to WOPIT#2

Also we have mentioned that this is no ordinary Padman as we will be playing Capture the Lolly so as we all haven’t really played much Capture the Lolly it would be great seeing everyone there even if U don’t like Padman Capture the Lolly brings another TEAM element to it….

Also we are planning to have a TEAMIPX 2011 Photo taken sum time during the tournament……

So sign up if you haven’t already or n0mad will release CHEWY on ya…..



W0rld First Team IPX get there hands 0n a Beta 0f ETQW2

Hi Res0luti0n Versi0n

Free Games from Ubisoft!!

I dont know if this is an error or not but Ubisoft has on their website FREE GAMES!
One to note is the Bloody Good Time game that Nikki has wanted for a while.
You do get some errors, but I think thats from all the people trying to download games.
If you get to the checkout and it gives you some text just refresh the page.
Link —————>CLICK ME!!!!!!!

TEAM IPX Homefront game server now online!

The Team IPX Home front server in now up and running.

So jump on and have some fun.

Robag broke then fixed the Mumble

The main mumble server is currently having issues. Robag is looking into it and is hoping to have it sorted soon but until you hear otherwise please use the old mumble server - server.teamipx.net

all fixes now


Pad Night - TBA

World of Padman 1.5 and the 1.5.1 update have been out for a while now and to honour this marvellous achievement a Pad Night is in order.

The date and time will be advised shortly as it will be based around the availability of IPX pad allstars (Ltmon, Hashy, n0mad $) and other pad devotees.

If you haven’t already downloaded the new version, shame on you. Luckily there is still an opportunity to make up for your apathetic behaviour and lack of initiative… so go here to get your Pad on and here to get yourself edumacated.

Padman is free and available for all platforms so no excuses. Installation and set-up are straight forward but if you do need any help n0mad/robag are your best bets.

$ sorry if I missed anyone else who won a tournament

Happy Birthday Robag

Happy Birthday Buddy.

Another successful year of screwing Norway!!

New Honorary Member - WickFi5h

This bulletin is to inform you that Team IPX BoD have inducted WickFi5h into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.

WickFi5h is required to go through Induction. Please assist our new honorary in any way you can with this.

Forthwith the above mentioned player(s) are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.
Please make the new Honorary Member feel welcome.

Resignation – Johnny5


The following person(s) has resigned and is no longer affiliated with Team IPX:

  • Johnny5

Reasons given to the BoD were:

  • he doesn’t want to scrim
  • he is near 40
  • he doesn’t want to listen to vile trash
  • he wants to game in his own home

The BoD explained:

  • competitive gaming was not required, and many members do not.
  • age is no issue, we have many members 40+
  • mumble sub channels were there to be used if you don’t want to listen to people talking about things other than the game you’re in.

BoD also sought clarification on the “gaming in own home” matter but none was forthcoming.

On the basis of his request, along with the fact Johnny5 was not interested in wearing IPX tags (Rule 38), the BoD has accepted his resignation.

Team IPX wishes to thank Johnny for the use of his server during his short time with the team, and wish him well in the future.

Team IPX BoD