Free Games from Ubisoft!!

I dont know if this is an error or not but Ubisoft has on their website FREE GAMES!
One to note is the Bloody Good Time game that Nikki has wanted for a while.
You do get some errors, but I think thats from all the people trying to download games.
If you get to the checkout and it gives you some text just refresh the page.
Link —————>CLICK ME!!!!!!!


Just for Milky


Robag's picture

yes yes yes i can

finally play hide the Stethoscope with Izzie from Greys Anatomy,
best 30 seconds on my life :p


Microman's picture


I don’t see any free games :-(

its over now :(

but i still have some keys to give to people so jump on mumble and ask.

lol just got a email

from Ubisoft.

n0mad's picture


Nice w0rk Matt……



what games

to you get for free?, nice work.


15 copies of bloody good time, 2 of farcry, 2 of farcry 2, HAWX2, devil dice, settlers 7 with 3 expansion packs and i thing thats it.
If you’re on mumble tonight I will give you a cd key for bloody good time.



Sha8doW's picture

Absolutely epic!

What a gold move by Matt
And a great admissiOn of a cock up!

A few my way Matty!

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