Welcome Baby BloodStorm

well well well

welcome t' th' world

Spencer Charles Marston were bein' born at 7.41pm 22/06/2001

more news t' come…………………….



Hashy's picture

Conceived in an Earthquake!

c0ngratulati0ns t0 bl00dst0rm an' his missus!

Spencer appears t0 be a Yin Metal Rabbit, Cancer, Yellow Spectral Sun.
G00d ch0ice!

thank you

everyone blooddrop has arrived, that scurvey dog an' mother be all healthy an' happy will upload some photos soon.

Fuzz's picture


Congrats t' both o' ye!

Sha8doW's picture


I sware that minnows name is WILSON!
(inside joke with me lady)

well done guys

glad t' see ye be finally parents. Ye'll be sleepin' with the fishes, Hornswaggle lookin' forward t' seein' ye in a week.

Microman's picture


Congrats Blood. I wish ye many happy years t' come!

n0mad's picture


L00kin' f0rward 2 seein' th' ph0t0’s…..

c0ngrats 2 U b0th…….
N0w in say 7 years time we can finally have a Mini IPX Padman t0rneyment…..

Kids an' Sleep don’t g0 t0gether

congrats to temp

not t' blood, because ye did nothin'.


Congrats bro. Oho! Welcome t' th' lan' o' th' livin' dead fer th' next few months. It gets easier as ye go an' bein' a parent is its own reward :D

Sha8doW's picture


Or it didnt happen!

chipper's picture


That’s great news Blood. Best o' luck fer th' next 18 years!!!!

I seen pics

ye should get facebook shad.

Thanks guys!

We did put one photo on facebook but more t' come. Everyone healthy glad t' be home an' just adjustin' t' zombie life :)

Sha8doW's picture


I love how scallywags think a FB Upload is MORE important then teamipx.net upload!



Sha8doW's picture


So th' stories i heard were true!

WELL DONE an' congrats t' Mum an' Dad!
Mum ye look VERY good an' natural holdin' that young bloke, daddy still a little awkward (but happy)!

LOL that 1st photo he looks like he is doin' a mike tyson pose, I'll warrant ye! epic!

Congrats again. Very proud an' stoked fer yer both!

n0mad's picture

ahhh finally pics

Great 2 C sum pics up 0n th' site rather than facamaspace…..

U 2 chill0ut ya hear…….


Robag's picture

welcome to the world

little blooddrop, congrats t' Mum an' Dad


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