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Revision of Mrs Sha8doW Arrival date from Wed, 12/08/2009 - 23:17

Robag's picture
23/08/2009 00:00
05/09/2009 00:00

Well we know that Mrs Sha8doW is going to do all the hard work :)

You go girl
Do not forget to place your bets IPX’ers



Sha8doW's picture


The misses when to the obstetrics today (12/8/09)… He did one of them “checks” reckons its going to be overbaked by roughly a week

Now just for an update in general

1st child was 6 days late and was a boy
This preg is completely different from the 1st child
Also, my wife is a completely different shape with this one and the “bump”, IMHO, is LOW!
The “conception” position was “opposite” to the 1st childs

My wife reckons the 29th Aug…


Gratz on the new Baby Boy (told ya it was a boy lol)
was close on all counts, the day I was out by 4 hours, the time I had pm not am
Nice work Mrs Shad it’s good us girl’s stuck together so I could be the one that was right lmao
two boys and a big kid for a husband omg you got your hands full now Mrs Shad :D


chipper's picture


bet your glad that is over!

Hashy's picture


Congrats to yas Shad, many happy blessings and always more good times to outweigh the bad. Best of luck! =)

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