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Revision of n0mads Birthday from Sun, 28/08/2011 - 15:33

Sha8doW's picture
06/09/2009 00:00
06/09/2009 23:59
Challenge Details
Social Event
Not Applicable

n0mads Birthday


Sha8doW's picture


oh dammit, I’ll fix this in the morning… How do i add a regular event on the calendar ffs?

Fuzz's picture

Shad – we don’t have regular

Happy Bday n0mad! :)

Shad – we don’t have regular events. Robag has just been using challenges for Shad 2.0 etc.

Don’t use the standard “event” content type. (We’ve blocked it out from anyone creating items with it, but as an admin you could probably get around it – just don’t as it won’t help). The event module is being replaced very soon. (Technical explanation – event content type comes with the event module. When we replace it with the new way of eventing, anything created using the old “event” will cause problems for the new way. Anything created with other content types, eg. challenge, hockey, trek, will be fine.).

Options are just create them as challenge for now, or we create a new content type now, call it anything but event, and go from there. Was planning on doing that when we made the conversion above – but that’s still a ways off.

Relevent issue is – 1.

happy birthday n0mad

Robag's picture

heee the interwebs

told me it was n0mads birthday


a birthday and dad’s day all in one hit

owww you are trully a lucky man n0mad

happy birthday


Sha8doW's picture

Going Mad!

Though i was going mad!

It was late at night during a “midnight + feed” and im like, “i got some time to kill”
all i did was frustrate my ass off! I thought i was going Mad!

Fathers Day & B-Day in 1… suffer n0mad. (half the pressies! and only 1 blo… gift from the misses! lol)



H/B n0mad

willow's picture

happy bday!

Hey n0mad! happy bday mate! av a gud 1 today! best wishes and i think ur bday present came early as lil n1mad :)


fuzz is it possible to make a calendar of IPXer bday’s?

Sha8doW's picture

HB n0mad


happy birthday

happy birth day nomad have a great day kippa


happy bday/fathers day nomad. hope all is well.

n0mad's picture

Great Day All r0und

Had a great Bday and my First Farders Day with my little daughter……….

ThanX all 4 y0ur kind messages and especial t0 Mattatuide for his quick ph0t0 sh0p pic,
(Hey in the 3rd Pic (Grouse Frame) d0esn’t he already have glasses 0n)
Did any0ne else n0tice that ?

Well after a big night 0f gaming with my br0ther 0n the big screen playin the WII int0 the Wee h0urs
I have walked away with saw shoulders and and a saw head (rec0mmend c0nnect 4 when ya s0 pissed
and ya can’t even see the screen and ya b0th click madly) hehhehe

t0 all the IPX Father’s h0pe ya day was as great as my first 1………..


Sha8doW's picture

LOL n0mad... the point is lost on you!

(Hey in the 3rd Pic (Grouse Frame) d0esn’t he already have glasses 0n)

Thats the funny bit!

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