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Revision of AHHH WHERES THE BUTTONS from Wed, 04/11/2009 - 08:42

As you all know it was IPX Prac last nite (Disapproving look to all who didnt show). It wasnt a bad turnout even Fuzz entered muffin to give the team a sturing speech before returning to hiding (incase the FBI finds him). However one IPX member who shall remain nameless did very well to attend prac in the state she was in (oh no did i just give away who it was). This member may have had a few drinks before attending the prac and i know what your thinking “Rule 45” but the BOD let it go this time. Now this member who shall remain nameless did try very hard at prac but did find it hard to find the buttons. This member was very vocal about the buttons and also about her brother and then about something else i couldnt really tell it was hard to understand. Somthing like “AHH WHERES THE F**KING BUTTONS mumble mumble RAHH BROTHER AHH BUTTONS RAH mumble mumble”

However this is not a post to bring said member down it was very funny. Ive never heard both robag and shad crying and struggling to breath at the same time (cept for when they insulting me). As the game play continued we found ourselves a problem. The inability to breath by shad and robag was posing a real medical risk. So the call was made and it wasnt a easy one to move said member out of the ETQW channel. But the thing that really made the nite was the fact that said member didnt seem to notice they had been moved and when a few of us dropped into the channel this member had been banished to the member was still talking away as if the channel had people in it.

In the end we all had fun and saw a new side of said member. Def a side i havnt seen before but it was entertaining none the less.


Microman's picture

Crack Up!

That was absolutely hilarious when I found out said member was still talking!!

The member will read this and be like ‘What did I do!?’

lol :)

sort of like when I fall asleep with my headphones on, and speech to text enabled
mmmm ioasdfgjjfj mmm pankcakes argghhhhhhhhh

*snaps awake

broken fingers

3 of my fingers on my left hand i cant move so they might be broken so one and is going to be a little bit of a pickle i need robags mou5 now

Sha8doW's picture

funniest bit

was when she was moved from the channel but didnt realise

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