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Revision of IPX intro movie from Thu, 10/12/2009 - 20:29

Iam not quite done with it yet but i need some feedback


Microman's picture


I would say you need higher resolution pictures…

The name is at the top of every jersey, and so is the number. I reckon you should still have the titles, but not the “name” and “jersey number” text.

Sha8doW's picture


I likeee the concept, but its dificult to comment when we arent sure of what your intent/direction is
maybe a little faster, and as micro said the names/numbers are kinda obvious.

but i like what your thinking and would like to see more.

On the “higher res photos” as Micro suggested, I can supply all your needs

n0mad's picture

Res Up

Faster is better and include sum game f00tage in between each player
ie Fuzz in a h0g, n0mad running giving the bird in Padman maybe that s0rt 0f stuff…..


Sha8doW's picture

game fooootage

problem with game footage is it doesnt really show personality…

not true

like n0mad said

fuzz = hog
n0mad = oblit/padman
lt = SG
mm = turtle
shad = 9999 ping

Microman's picture

High Ping

Fuzz's picture

Nice idea. Game footage along

Nice idea. Game footage along with some other things can go some way to showing personality – like quotes, or recorded audio mixed in with whatever background music the movie has.

My only reservation is it will be a bit of a nightmare to keep up to date if the roster changes through quittages / new recruits etc.

Blood = Tank blowing up Fuzz in Hog.

n0mad's picture

Nice Radi0 MM

Like the Radi0 U 0ne MM

What is sitting 0nt0p 0f it ?

Also found U a M0D t0d0



look i was talking on mumble

Game footage

would be great idea.

Fuzz you know me too well

Game footage

next training session ill film the prac session and ill grab bits and pieces…

Microman's picture

The thing on top?

That’s the speaker :-)

I’d better not do mods :-P, it’s not yet my radio! When I say yet, I’m unsure what will actually happen with it… :-P


i like this idea thingy bobby and it not to bad silent but just a tad better quality

Microman's picture


Multiple attempts but does it with assault rifle ;-)

Fuzz's picture

Dunno if this one was a

Dunno if this one was a mistake or what, but what a mistake! It’s so wrong it looks good!

looks good blood :)

Blue baby yeah!

Bit of an idea for the video thingy, I can easily create a 10-15 second slot, you could keep the individual files and as you get more footage of newer players (maybe on a monthly/quarterly basis…) introduce it into a fully compiled video on a IPX newletter basis…

that way its as simple as getting everyone to make a quick video and put them all together every now and then

sorta putting my hand up for this, i’ve got the bandwidth to spare for the downloads…

Microman's picture

Version 2.0

I think you should move the text to below the photos. Ignoring the resolution, that was all I could see wrong with it.

Except for one thing… Where are the rest of the honorary members? Am I missing something..?

bored very easy

Iam really just doing this vid because i got nothin to do but it has changge into something alittle bigger,as for the blood jersey i was yet again bored…..kraizen that is a good idea to get people to get some footage of them self and send it to me

i think i could up load only a little so some of the people got cut out

on flicker its 1:30 but its 3:00 long so far

Microman's picture

youtube, vimeo...



my colours are funny

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