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Revision of Mail arrived today... from Wed, 23/12/2009 - 22:29

Microman's picture

So my order from finally arrived. I got a bunch of stuff including a 1.5v to 5v boost converter from maxim, a smart card and socket, a sheet load of 2.5mm DC power connectors, and my current favourite – the 128 × 64 pixel blue graphics LCD.

I had it up and running in about 20 minutes. I uploaded the example arduino ‘sketch’, and up pops my little LCD!

After a bit of screwing around I decided to have some fun. Clicky here) for team-significant photo!

That is the team eagle in 128 × 64 pixel resolution! Okay, so it lost a LOT of detail in the conversion, but I still like it! It would be easy to add a little detail, but this may be the only time I use it :-P.

So yeah, just wanted to show you guys what I got up to this afternoon.



Fuzz's picture


Damn that seriously does look good. Did a good job of converting if you ask me. Very retro :)

Microman's picture

A Script

Was a script :-D. I took the real logo, scaled it onto a 128×64 bitmap, then plugged it into the little script.

The script converted it from a bitmap, to a header file. I included that, and that was the result. I was really pleased to see it!

Robag's picture

i liked it so much

i gave MM 100 Svalbards

very nice work MM


Microman's picture


Thanks Robag! That’s great!

hmmm u have way too much time on your hands

but still pretty awsome

Fuzz's picture

This is now my

new desktop wallpaper!

n0mad's picture


Great w0rk there MM

May I ask what U are using the 1.5v to 5v boost converter from maxim ?


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