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Revision of The Gaming Machine of Delayed Gratification. from Thu, 14/01/2010 - 14:22

Hashy's picture

m0rnin all

So yesterday.. It finally arrived yes. The box for this thing is the same size and dimension as the box my mainboard came in.. Sorry the pics aren’t the best. Was more in a rush to get the thing installed, then to patiently take all the photos possible and drool.





This completes the intended upgrades to my core system, anyone have some links to a good benchmarking program?, I can get some figures out there for us to look at.

So my system currently stands as being:

  • AMD Phenom X4 9550
  • 4GB system RAM ( 2x Kingston sticks, DDR3 maybe, if not, DDR2)
  • Nvidia GTX260 866MB GDDR3 (has an S Video, DVI-S(S for something…), and a HDMI)
  • Samsung SyncMaster 2443BW 24” Widescreen LCD

To compared this system, with this system with the previous “temporary” PCI-e card ( 7600GS). The bridge scene in Mothership Zeta (Fallout 3 DLC Expansion), would previously at times, with too much complexity going on in the environment, would bring me down to frame rates of 1/second…or less..

Now, it is smooth, playable, uninterrupted with more complex sequences playing, and at mostly maximum settings ( I prefer the bloom to the HDR, it seems..) in addition ( before it was mostly low settings.) Sorry I don’t have a proper frame rate number for you’s. It’s not something I have bothered to keep a close eye on in games for quiet awhile now, for perhaps reasons more understandable now. xD


n0mad's picture

Bench Me

Great newZ Hashy, L00k f0rward to playing L4D with you s00n….

I’d rec0mmend AquaMark3 f0r Benchmarking as it is real w0rld results
n0ne 0f this Tweaked results such as 3DMark fail ……

Virtual Mark is a great 0ne f0r 3D perf0rmance c0mpared t0 0ther similar systems.

0hh and my list 0f Benchmarks Progs reads;
Super PI
SiSoftware Sandra
PCMark Vantage

L4D s00n Hashy………….


Fuzz's picture


Very impressive Hashy. Looking like a super sweet system. Look forward to firing up a game or two with you (if I can drag myself away from NBA 2K10 for 5 mins).

Hashy's picture

Aquamark Demo Benchmark

Gave it a quick try, seems none of the settings I tried to change took effect in the benchmark simulation, darn demos xD

Fuzz's picture


mmm… large scale vegetation

n0mad's picture

n0w try VM

L00ks like Aquamark is sh0wing it’s age, w0uld be keen 2C ya results in Virtual Mark….


haha size :)

When I got my GTX280 I had the same reaction lol, it actually extends past my motherboard and attempts to crush my primary SATA cable rofl. I cant unplug my hdd without removing the graphics card

Robag's picture

owwww new shiny shiny

i love the smell of new hardware in the morning

looks kick a$$ Hashy
i have a gigabyte GV-N240D3-1GI i think
very nice
Robag i stating to think about a new i7 gaming rig drooooolllssss


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