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Revision of Smoking Guns this Tuesday 19/01/2010 from Thu, 14/01/2010 - 15:52

n0mad's picture

Reminder to All IPX who can make it this Tuesday 19/01/2010 will be Smokin Guns Tuesday

Install IT, Practice IT and 0wn IT because IT’s Free and we have our server UP and Running it NOW…..

s0 thanks again to Robag for hosting
Note: Please type “ThanX Robag” when connecting to the Server as U may get auto kicked :P

Cya’s in there…………..


ltmon's picture

A few answers to questions you're bound to have...

1. Where’s the server?

It’s often not turning up in the in-game server browser right now. Your best bet is to drop a console (use the tilde key) and type:


2. What version?

It’s safest to use the latest non-beta (1.0). If you do have the beta, it will probably work on the standard server (with better sound and gfx), but no promises. If you don’t have a copy, best bet is the Internode mirror:

Hashy's picture


Wheres a place we can find the beta to try out?

Hashy's picture

Smokin Gunz Forum Registration


Thought I had to register on their forums to download their beta, but..

I found the 1.1b3 at moddb & downloaded that just fine


Robag's picture

well all i can say is

Smokin Guns Tuesday was a great success

well done N0mad and to all that attended


Fuzz's picture


Definitely… was a great night. WD n0mad.

SG month?

ltmon's picture

Great fun

Never seen that many players in SG, was a bit of a riot rather than the sneaky game I prefer, but much fun anyway. If we get that many regularly we should try and get a 4v4 bank robbery round going, and inject some tactics into the game.

I think we had some hit rego problems with that many people, due to the old Q3 engine on the server probably and the “unlagged” hit detection etc. This is better implemented in ioq3, so the 1.1 may make this better.

Microman's picture

Loved it

I’m sure my rego was screwy. Sometimes I could hit in the face where ever I aimed. Other times it didn’t matter where I aimed, I got nothing. A shotgun fixed that one up.

We should do a W:ET next Tuesday. I’ll make up the post I guess :-)

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