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Revision of Battlefield:Bad Company 2 Release from Sun, 29/04/2012 - 12:11

04/03/2010 19:00
04/03/2010 22:59
Not Applicable

Bad Company 2 is released on Thursday the 4th.

So i think Thursday night might be one for a few rounds


Microman's picture

Have to wait for March 24th

Stupid shitty NZ Internet…

Fuzz's picture


Are we able to preload BC2 via steam if we pre-ordered?

Fuzz's picture


Come on! Be Thursday already!

Microman's picture

March 25th?

That’s a Thursday… I will have it downloaded by then too!


is it thursday yet??????

Fuzz's picture


Bloody hell it’s only 1 day since I last wished it was Thursday…

At least be Tuesday so we can start preloading this damn thing.

Sha8doW's picture

hehe, atleast you CAN

at least you CAN preload!

where the F is my PC!?

Fuzz's picture


jokes on us… we still can’t preload…

What’s the hold up – something on backorder?

Bad news

is that we cant pre-load.

Good news is that the D/L is only 6Gig.(so you dont have to worry about your cap MM)

but with no pre-load you will all have to wait til thursday to get it.

also you should see the rage on the steam forums about no pre-load. ppl need to settle down and have some patients

Fuzz's picture


What’s this patience thing I hear you speak of….

Fuzz's picture


You’re right though. 6GB isn’t bad these days.


it thursday yet???

Microman's picture

Still do...

Have other people cough baby_girl cough who like to watch high res youtube videos. Will still have to wait till the end of the month :-\

Sha8doW's picture


I’d like to see a high res application!

Fuzz's picture


While we wait at least this is available 75% off….

I may be biased and a sports games fanatic… but god I love me some Virtua Tennis.

Fuzz's picture

Preload is a go

Looks like preload is fine. Right click on Battlefield in your games list and choose pre load info.

Fuzz's picture


Looks like it’s made its way onto the Aussie Steam servers too. Everything I’ve got so far as been unmetered.

Is it

Thursday Yet????

Sha8doW's picture

God damn

Where is my pc!

Fuzz's picture


Got the preload going yet Matt? 23% for me so far, but have run out of node sources… still trying to get it unmetered, but if it takes too long I’ll relent and download full speed from O/S


need to. I’m getting a hard copy from EB when i finish work.

Robag's picture

already download

last night
already unpacked
and al lready to go

oww good news looks like the steam version gives you access to the DLC contenet W00T


Sha8doW's picture

Ok you sob's

You’ve had time to play… Now where is the indepth review?

And dont think some YouTube vid of a ranker like neg playing is gunna cut it either

Fuzz's picture


This says it all for me:

“Rather than rush out a review of a Battlefield game that focused on the singleplayer game, we’ve taken our time to get some real online experience for what is most definitely a multiplayer focused game. Twelve hours later and we’ve come to the conclusion that Bad Company 2 is a very Bad game.”

Seriously… but wait I haven’t finished.

“Bad, because there’s a very real chance we’ll lose our jobs, watch our partners leave us and put on 20kg from spending too much time playing it.”

I’m sure there will be problems. On day one I kept getting crashed to the desktop after each round which got very annoying. That seemed to be fixed by updating to the latest nvidia drivers. Gameplay itself is a lot of fun. If you’re no good and go rambo you won’t last long. Once you get a little better you can get a couple of kills ramboing but even then you won’t last. Sticking with the squad helps a lot.

Squad deathmatch sounds like fun, haven’t played that yet. (3+ squads of 4 players chasing a kill total I think. Nice variation on normal 2 team death match. Graphics are amazing, and I’m only using DX9 (Win XP) and 1900×1200 Medium settings. It’s inspired me to upgrade to Windows 7 to take advantage of the DX10 features of my card.

Robag's picture


“Bad, because there’s a very real chance we’ll lose our jobs, watch our partners leave us and put on 20kg from spending too much time playing it”
ow crap already there lol

I have played about an hour of the 4V4 Squad Death match. first to 50 kills, it is way c00l. would make a good comp mod.

the server browser needs a lot of work. it has a nasty habbit of crashing the games.

current score

3.5/5 rubber chickens


Microman's picture

What I dislike.

First off, the likes out weight the dislikes by a LONG way.

I HATE THIS STUPID PUNKBUSTER BULLSHEET. I join a server, and get almost instantly kicked. I want to try out squad deathmatch, not going to happen. Conquest and Rush work fine for me.

I dislike the server browser. It is slow, doesn’t constantly update the servers (so you can see your ping change), and it’s slow. It takes me five minutes before I can get in game…

Fuzz's picture

Saturday's outage

Saturday was really really bad. Wife was working, so had the whole day to play. 8am global outage til mid afternoon. Terrible timing – Friday afternoon US time, everyone coming home wanting to have a game but couldn’t. Then once it finally came back up, EA apparently requested hosters to keep as many servers offline while they sort out their issues. So since then it’s been a bit of an effort just finding a free slot… then when you get in if you get kicked out (by PB, or graphics crashes like I was) it’s just that much worse.

Really hoping it’s just first week jitters. Cos when you do get playing, still really loving the gameplay.

FYI – If you’ve updated your Nvidia drivers in the last few days you might want to check that you don’t have 196.75. It’s apparently causing fan issues which have led to some peoples graphics cards dying (enough that nvidia no longer offer 196.75). If you’ve got it, the recommendation is to roll back to 196.21. Hopefully a new one will be out, as I had much better BC2 stability with the newer drivers (not so much that I’d be willing to blow up a GTX 280 though).


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