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Revision of Promotion to Member - Microman from Sat, 13/03/2010 - 13:52
This IPX bulletin is to inform the Team that Microman has been promoted to the status of “Member” by the BoD for services performed for Team IPX.
Microman has been with the team for 1 year & 3 weeks now and in that time has shown his maturity setting a good example for the team.
The almighty Chewbacca wanted this message passed on to Microman:
oaoowhrrrcraaohuanraaoahoowhc scahoarcooscrawh
rooohu scraorwo aoworasc ahakk akrcoohuwa.
rooohu rarcwo rawh wokrascakanwo aooo raanan aoacoocwo acoowhoorcrarcro scwoscrhworcc ohacoo ohahcac aooo acrahowo aoacwo aoahaoanwo ooww scwoscrhworc aooo rhwo rhwocaoooohwowa huakoowh aoacwosc. orwowoak huak aoacwo rroooowa ohoorcor.
Congratulations Microman. Keep up the good work.
Team IPX
c0ngrats Micr0
Cya in the Trenches…………..
3 Cheers for MM!
Well done.
congrats MM
An Honour!
This is awesome! I was stunned when I opened my email, and saw this :-D
Thanks so much!
i dont see micro's jersey
your browsers caching it. It’ll appear sooner or later, or you can speed up the process by pressing Ctrl + F5.
congrats mate
Now you dont have do what any of the founders say :D
well earned
MM nice to see you in the blue and white good buddy
Gratz MM
What can I say GZ
Well done MM on your promotion!
Deletion of Posts
Is that a member perk? Or is it just something to do with the type of post, or the access control? lol :)
BoD + another special role we give guys when they’re helping out with site admin. Our process generally falls over there and we forget to remove it when they’re done :)
I accidentally delete things sometimes, would be bound to piss you off :-)
for once it wont me deleting things and stealing svalbards aye fuzz!
grats mm
congrats MM i couldnt be bothered to log in cos im at school but yeah ill cyas on mumble :) the all faith full kippa
woop woop woop woop
Kippa owes us all a keg!!!
Rule 25
“Don’t post Anon posts/comments… if you do you owe everyone on IPX a beer or other alcoholic beverage!”
I’ll see you in a few years in the local mate :-D
It's the Rules
Dam I wanted v0dka :P
owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww freeeeeeeeee bbbbeeeeeeeeeerrrrr
Rule 25 so own3d kippa
I say we
All do jäger bombs
when im old enough to buy
when im old enough to buy we shall have to arrange a IPX meeting and then u all get your drinks :P
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