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Revision of Free Stuff! from Sat, 22/05/2010 - 19:36
Steam is giving away a copy of portal, free!
No, it isn’t some lame competition for a game that doesn’t seem to be worth $20USD, it is a free copy of steam to all steam users. Mac or otherwise. You would be mad not to jump on this game, especially if you had already downloaded Portal: The first Slice. Why? If you already have the demo, you already have the full version! When you downloaded your free demo, the full game was ‘preloaded’ all ready for when you bought the game.
So what are you waiting for? Either search portal in steam, or click here:
The Cake is a Lie The Cake is Lie
Decided to give it a go. Was good quick bit of fun. I hadn’t played Portal at all since this free slice, but after having a taste, I think I may get what ever else there is of Portal.. Yes I did kinda rack my brain a bit over a few of the puzzles, but overall, good game, albeit a bit short… But hey, its free! Free cake! ( the cake is a lie..)
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