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Revision of Relax.. Enjoy the Scenery..Listen to the Birds.. Then Shoot The Doe in the Head!! The Hunter! from Wed, 09/06/2010 - 04:13
Stumbled acr0ss this game/simulat0r awhile back n0w. g0t 0ut 0f it f0r s0me time, but back int0 it n0w, and am rather enj0ying it. A great way t0 relax, wind d0wn, enj0y the scenery.. If y0u s0 ch00se! =p
This game w0uld very much appeal t0 th0se wh0 grew up with the Deer Hunter series 0f games. I much preferred the din0saur hunting myself.. ;) 000h yes.. I remember my first Rex very..VERY well! Can 0nly take them d0wn with an eye sh0t. It was my first run with the T-Rex, after w0rking my way up thr0ugh all the 0ther Din0saurs… My heart was p0unding, the intensity 0f the situati0n. I climbed the nearest small m0und when I g0t near the Rex.. I fired and missed, drawing his attenti0n.. Running right at me, I rel0aded.. Fired again, and with that 0ne lucky sh0t, finally c0mpleted my tr0phy r00m.. bahhahahahh
But back t0 “The Hunter”.
The scenery is just beautiful. Al0t 0f w0rk has been put int0 the envir0nment in this game. bl00m effects really are n0t 0pti0nal, due t0 the realism fact0r that it pr0vides, but m0st 0f the 0ther typical 0pti0ns are scalable, but y0u really want a gaming PC t0 handle the j0b 0f this game/sim. Just the beauty 0f it is w0rth every data packet! ;p
I’ll say it n0w. NO MULTIPLAYER SUPPORT.. “YET”! I’m rather certain they are w0rking 0n this, h0pefully s0meday s00n 4 0f us can j0in a hunt t0gether, and herd th0se d0es & Bucks d0wn the pass 0f death! haha
This is 0ne 0f th0se “tease y0u int0 paying f0r games/sims”, and I must admit, I am very much s0ld 0n the idea.. The day they bring in CO-OP supp0rt, I’ll be a l0ng time cust0mer. =p
The “start” 0f the game is free t0 play ( h0pe y0u still have Wind0ze ar0und s0mewhere!!).
Basic equipment, 0ne single l0ad b0lt acti0n rifle, limited traversable distance per sessi0n (10km I think), and y0u d0 need t0 be 0nline t0 start/l0ad and play the game, and 0nly 0ne type 0f prey, “Mule Deer”.
Buy a “Season Pass” (there is als0 in game currency t00..) , and y0u can hunt m0re varied types 0f Prey, access m0re weap0ns and equipment , and the larger (much..much larger) island.
Realistic. Relaxing. Challenging. Bring in CO-OP supp0rt (h0pefully by the end 0f the year!!) and that will 0pen up a wh0le new w0rld 0f tactics and c0-0rdinati0n and enj0yment t0 this truly excellent s0ftware devel0pment.
Tracking Deer, Easy en0ugh… Sp0tting a Deer.. Harder then y0u think… Sh00ting a Deer? Fast acti0n sh00ter games havn’t really t0ught y0u very much ab0ut sh00ting at all! ;)
Highly rec0mmended. If y0u can run it, please give it a try. If y0u can pump up the graphics, d0 it!
If y0u d0nt really find y0urself keen 0n sh00ting p00r, defenseless Deer, y0u can always think 0f The Hunter as a place y0u can g0 t0 relax.. Unwind.. Enj0y the f0rest.. If y0u d0nt have access t0 a real 0ne that is xD
Relaxing Change
l00ks Awsum Hashy
Plan t0 give it a whirl this weekend….
Being in the c0untry I grew up Rabbit sh00ting with a BB gun then ont0 Pig hunting
then 0nt0 Kangar00 sh00ting.
As a resp0nsable sh00ter we used all the meat and what was left 0ver we gave t0 the d0gs.
Times have changed th0 and it is harder t0 find farmers wh0 will even let U 0n there pr0perties
and if they d0 they have strict c0nditi0ns.
It is refreshing t0 find a game that reminds y0u that hunting is n0t ab0ut killing the beast but enj0ying
the 0utd00rs and nature ar0und y0u.
If after playing this game I feel the need t0 take a nature walk then I think it has succeeded as a game f0r me
(time will tell when I try it this weekend)
H0w c00l w0uld it B t0 g0 multiplayer and hunt in a Team in there !
0hh and Hashy I player Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and even b0ught the 3D glasses…
r00 hunting..
y0u sh0uld c0me up this way f0r a few days then n0mad, Kazashi “might” be able t0 set y0u up with a few nice r00 runs… ;)
I plan to eat anything that I kill in such a manner… Oh and I d0 l0ve r00 meat. =D
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