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Arrived h0me t0 find that the missus had been sh0ping 0nline I ain’t c0mplaining
All I can say is 25 Times the size of regular cupcakes
that is soooooooo awesome
Omg..i never knew you could buy ingredients anywhere to make such a thing!! It looks like a smurf mushroom hut! lol
That is so damned big!!!
What she said
A “that’s what she said” that isn’t insulting xD
This sh0uld be illegal.
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OH balls
that is soooooooo awesome
Far out!
Omg..i never knew you could buy ingredients anywhere to make such a thing!! It looks like a smurf mushroom hut! lol
That is so damned big!!!
What she said
A “that’s what she said” that isn’t insulting xD
This sh0uld be illegal.
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