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Revision of Watch me build the new computer! from Tue, 31/08/2010 - 06:13

Microman's picture

Hey Guys,

Fuzz bought up the idea of having a video conference so you could all help me build the computer. I’m not sure of the latency on ustream, but I have successfully managed to get it working.

I would use mumble for your input, so you don’t need ustream accounts.

I will start construction at 9:00pm NZDT. This is pretty late I must say. This way though, you guys will be able to watch (7:00pm AEDT).

It may not turn out as expected, I have watched ustream videos where I was about 5 minutes behind the action. I have managed to get skype working also, but I’m not sure 5 people on skype will be a good thing.

Please make a post below if you can make it.




sounds good

im in … after bad company match

I will not be there

Going out for dinner for old mans bday and as usual i expect the whiskey to come out.

Good luck thou MM. Dont forget static protection, thermal gel on cpu and its ok to use a hammer to get the RAM in.

Fuzz's picture


Would love to be there! We talking about tonight?

Microman's picture


Read the edit above, sorry I forgot to mention =D

Fuzz's picture

Looking forward to it

I’ll be there about 7:30

Microman's picture

To those interested

Looking at you Fuzz, I’m not sure who else wants to help out :-)

I have received the case today, and the anticipation is mounting. I have thus decided to build the box up tonight, and then install the OS’s tomorrow (Win 7 and Ubuntu).

Basically, the main show will be on tonight starting at 8:00pm NZDT (6:00pm AEST).

Microman's picture


I don’t think I can wait… Sorry Fuzz, good idea, but I am impatient :-D Building it now wont get anywhere, as I need to put an OS on before I can use it anyway. I was planning to install Win7 before Ubuntu, as it will mean the GRUB will be set up correctly. So, 8pm NZDT tonight.

Fuzz's picture


No probs MM. Do it whenever you’re free. Would be fun to watch, but it’s not hassle for anyone if we can’t. I may not be able to make it anyway, off work sick today trying to rest up.

Microman's picture

Sick, :-(

Fuzz is sick, not sure who else wanted to watch.

Have started construction!

Fuzz's picture


That was great fun to watch. Thanks for setting that up. How’s the OS installs going?

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