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Revision of My trip home from Wed, 01/09/2010 - 18:56
firstly i went to the shops with friends, luke, and shamus. luke needed to buy some more undies so me and shamus grab some 7 yr girl ones and give it to him, as we did this old couple were death staring us. after i left the shops i had to do to the chiropracter, where i found that i had torn my quad tendon that goes over my knee (6 weeks recovery). after that i went around the corner to get some take away, where this old dude was playing bingo with himself, even stranger he was cheering him self on…i got the fuck out of there because he wouldnt stop staring at me. listening to the radio with the window down i heared the radio host1 say fingering was a big part of my school host2 really host1 yer, my friend and i used to do alot of it. i always used to help her. any ways she wanted to break a world record of how many fingering u can get so she got the whole school involed. host2 really the whole school host1 yer the whole primary school, they all loved it. so i winded the window up to hear better then i realized she was talking about finger knitting……the end
I dont care if there is any mistakes u can fix them ur self….. i get d’s in my english report card so bugger off
That was hard to follow, needed paragraphs…
Serious dude… are you drunk!
i know i do some sock writing and use the shooty keypad on my iphone but fark… that too me like 8 attempts to figure that out
you need to work on that! as Micro said, maybe some paragraphs are in order… the structure wasnt quite there buddy!
OMG, i just reaised that you seem to be relaying conversation…
work on that a little more dude
it was an interesting story… now i kinda get it
again im not
a english guys i failed english because of those reason that micro said…..i am sci and math guy. plus i was typing one hand because i was holding ice pack
is it up to ur standards
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