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Revision of IPX Emergency Contact List versi0n 2 from Sat, 04/09/2010 - 10:14

Hashy's picture


In light 0f the 7.0-7.2 magnitude Earthquake in Christchurch this m0rning (4:30am, which is c0nsequently, the average time 0f death in the w0rld… well.. s0 they say..) I am calling f0r updates and revis0ns f0r the Team IPX Contact List which I have started devel0ping.

Emergencies always bring calls f0r changes t0 the way things are d0ne. It is h0w we learn. After 9/11, new buildings were c0nstructed, designed t0 withstand the impact 0f an airliner, and the subsequent fires pr0duced fr0m *cough*burning jet fuel.
After the Black Saturday fires in Victoria, things were re-thought and revised, because n0 system is perfect, and its 0nly when s0mething happens and it d0esnt w0rk quiet as it sh0uld that things are impr0ved. Quiet simply, imaginati0n is needed, and we just can’t imagine everything that is needed bef0re hand.

All newer members t0 the team please send me a private message 0n the Team site with y0ur details. The details sh0uld be as f0ll0ws, and will be kept private and c0nfidential, and will 0nly be distributed t0 F0under members, up0n their request, passw0rded and secured in a g00d 0ld .RAR file.

Details sh0uld be as f0ll0ws:

*Name ( y0ur real 0ne.)

  • Username/Nickname/Handle/ect
  • Address 0r General l0cati0n (eg 123 Fake Street Herberton,Far North Queensland or just Herberton, Far North Queensland.)
  • Email c0ntact
  • Mobile Number
    *Landline Number ( in light 0f the p0wer 0utages that befall disasters, the m0bile netw0rk is put int0 a p0wer saving m0de f0r emergency services use 0nly. Landlines “may” be m0re reliable, asl0ng as the netw0rk is still intact, but may likely befall (i like that w0rd! never used it bef0re!) the same disability as the m0bile netw0rk. Nonetheless, as many p0ssible f0rms 0f c0mmunicati0n as p0ssible is best.)
  • Any 0ther prudent details y0u can think 0f.


Hashy's picture

F0ll0wing Members Please Sign Up

W0uld the f0ll0wing members please sign up f0r the c0ntact list by sending me (Hashy) a private message here 0n the site with y0ur details.

*Bloodstorm ( when we hear fr0m y0u again man, h0pe y0ur safe and well)
*Proton Rifle
*Broadband Bandit

Please n0te that this is N0N-C0MPULS0RY, h0wever it is highly rec0mmended. 0nce again, y0ur details will be kept safe, and will 0nly be kn0wn t0 myself, and any 0ther F0under Members wh0 have requested the inf0rmati0n, and any 0ther c0nfidants they themselves deem w0rthy. Thanky0u f0r y0ur attenti0n.

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