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Revision of Expressions of Interest: UT2004 from Mon, 27/09/2010 - 21:49
Morning all.
I’m just looking for a quick show of hands (and maybe some discussion) from people who either have a copy of, or would be interested in playing, Unreal Tournament 2004.
Why do I ask now? I’ve had it installed for years, and jump in every now and then to play against the built-in bots (which is a good deal of fun in itself), but figure it would be nicer to have people to play with. It’s cross-platform, comes with a variety of game modes, and can be had for US$10 from Good Old Games (which can also be made to run natively in Linux), or as part of a bundle on Steam.
Any takers?
I have that sitting on my shelf
sure i would be up for it.
am V
am down, i dunt have it, but ill get it
Am interested too. Haven’t got a copy, but it’s cheap.
owww i have not played
this game in ages, i should have a copy some where
mmm m0dels
Ashi U made any m0dels f0r it ?
I like this page
I am interested 2, but I d0 n0t have it yet…….
I might get it
Time to play is the problem, not buying the game.
In any case, the good thing about UT2004 was the number of quality mods released for it. Here’s a few that seem to still have some active development and players:
Yes and No
I haven’t finished anything, but I did make a partially working model of Lo Wang from Shadow Warrior. He could run, walk and jump IIRC. Wonder where it is now….
As an aside, all the animated models for Transfusion were done in UT’s PSK skeletal format, but they weren’t designed to simply drop into anything else.
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